Thursday 6 June 2019


Top notch Mexican hooker tottie
Mexico is often seen as the main demographic threat to the United States. Well, that used to be the case. But now the threat is fast receding, as Mexico, under its Leftist rulers, is slipping further and further into degeneracy.

The ground zero of Mexico's growing "poz" is the capital Mexico city, where new mayor Claudia Sheinbaum (so she's Jewish -- what's that got to do with it!?) has not only abolished gender-specific uniforms in recent days, but has now legalised sex work.

Here's the BBC reporting on the school uniforms:

Mexico City Mayor Claudia Sheinbaum has announced that pupils attending state schools will no longer have to wear gender-specific uniforms.

"Boys can wear skirts if they want and girls can wear trousers if they want," Mayor Sheinbaum said.

She added that the measure would create "a condition of equality, of equity".

Previous guidelines stated that "just as the skirt is the basic garment of a girl's daily school uniform, so trousers are for boys".

Mayor Sheinbaum said that that kind of thinking "had passed into history" and that the new measure would come into effect "immediately".

Sounds like Mexico is about to pass into history with the negative effects on fertility and birthrates that that such foolery will have. 

And imagine what will happen to sperm counts and breast milk now that whoring has just been mass legalised.

Here's the Guardian creaming itself over this equally suicidal move:

Mexico City lawmakers have given the green light to decriminalize sex work in the capital, hoping it will be a first step to a crackdown on sex trafficking that traps thousands of Mexican women and children.

Lawmakers in Mexico City’s congress on Friday voted 38-0, with eight abstentions, in favor of a bill to remove a line in the civic culture law which said prostitutes and their clients can be fined or arrested if neighbors complained.

Temistocles Villanueva, a local representative with the ruling center-left Morena party, said the new law recognized that people had the right to engage in sex work.

“It’s a first step that has to lead to regulation of sex work, to fight human trafficking and strengthen the rights of sex workers,” he said. “Exercising sexuality in our country is still a taboo topic that few of us dare to talk about."

While America is of course very pozzed, the fact is it has been marinading in the cultural acid of modernity much longer than Mexico, and really hasn't done that badly.

This may be because snow-toughened Northern Europeans have more natural moral fibre than sun-kissed Mestizos, or it may be because Protestantism has always been more morally robust than Catholicism, a form of Christianity which is mainly about providing nice frocks and groping opportunities for gay men.

Whatever the case, it seems that Mexico's entry to the modern globalised world economy is going to hit its traditional patterns of morality and social organisation pretty hard. 

Trad News confidently predicts that within 30 years, Mexican politicians will be running for President on promises of building a wall to stop the flood of "blue-eyed devils" from the north colonising the empty spaces of their once overcrowded country.

Gender specific school uniforms like these will now be banned.
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