Tuesday 4 June 2019


People of all kinds drink beer, but in identity terms it is pretty much a working class masculine thing. I'm also pretty sure that most of the actual people buying beer are straight males who have little interest, love, or tolerance for gay supremacism, or dominance displays by the other extremely rare forms of LGBTQ+ fauna like "genderfluidity" or "non-binary" sexuality.  

But now major beer maker Budweiser seems to be taking the piss out of it core demographic with its latest "ad" campaign promoting and normalising various forms of gay supremacism. This is despite the fact that more than 99% of all human societies and religions in history have regarded LGBTQ+ behaviours as unfortunate "illnesses" at best and "crimes" deserving of the most extreme punishments in this world and the afterlife at worst.

The campaign, which is linked to London's annual gay supremacist march, features some plastic Budweiser cups decked in symbolic gay colours promoting the various divisions of the LGBTQ Supremacism.

Advertising site Prolific London reports:

Budweiser acknowledge the widespread recognition of the classic rainbow flag for LGBTQ+ rights, but the flags of smaller groups are still unrecognised by most.

Martina Isella, Senior Brand Manager at Budweiser, said: “Pride is a time for people to be proud and have freedom of expression, and this is what Budweiser as a brand is all about.

"We wanted to create a campaign in partnership with all the people that make up the wider LGBT+ community in mind, and we worked closely with our friends at Pride in London to ensure that this campaign was as relevant to as many as possible.”

London's gay supramacist march will take place on July 6th and Budweiser are keen to ingratiate themselves with the gay extremists who use the event to rub their atypical and non-reproductive sexuality in the public's face. 

This subservience by Budweiser follows criticism of the beer company by the gay supremacist movement last year, when Budweiser sponsored the World Cup in Russia. 

The gay supremacist movement is regularly used by the American Deep State as a means of infiltrating and disrupting rivals of America, like Russia, which respect sensible gay rights, but not allies, like Saudi Arabia, which actually stone gays to death. 

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1 comment:

  1. It's all motivated by profit, and nothing else. If white nationalism became widely popular, their beer cups would start displaying the celtic cross, if not the swastika itself.


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