Saturday 25 May 2019


Anybody with even a little awareness of geopolitics and military realities has known all along that Trump would never in a million years go to war with Iran -- it would get very messy very quickly. 

So, why have Trump and his posse of war hawks been talking up a war with Iran recently?

The reason became clear yesterday when the Trump administration formally exempted an eight-billion-dollar arms sale to Saudi Arabia from congressional approval because of a supposed "Iran threat."

As reported by the Financial Times:

The Trump administration has formally notified US lawmakers that it is invoking an emergency provision to go ahead with multibillion-dollar arms sales to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates without congressional approval.

The emergency provision, part of the Arms Export Control act, would allow the US to proceed with sales of planned precision bombs to those two countries, without fear of Congress blocking the measure.

US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo claimed on Friday (May 24th) that this was necessary because the buyer countries are threatened by Iran: 

"These sales will support our allies, enhance Middle East stability, and help these nations to deter and defend themselves from the Islamic Republic of Iran. Delaying this shipment could cause degraded systems and a lack of necessary parts and maintenance that could create severe airworthiness and interoperability concerns for our key partners, during a time of increasing regional volatility."

The Dems of course are not happy about this. They are pissed because they were hoping to use so-called "human rights abuses" by the Saudis as an excuse to interfere in the arms sales, and get their own pay-off, either from the Trump administration or the Saudis themselves. 

"President Trump is only using this loophole because he knows Congress would disapprove of this sale,” Chris Murphy, a Democratic senator from Connecticut, tweeted. “There is no new ‘emergency’ reason to sell bombs to the Saudis to drop in Yemen, and doing so only perpetuates the humanitarian crisis there. This sets an incredibly dangerous precedent that future presidents can use to sell weapons without a check from Congress."

Yeh, sure, the Dems really care about Muslims getting killed by US weapons. LOL. 

That would be why Obama's administration made a grand total of 563 drone strikes against them, killing hundreds of innocent civilians in the process, while continuing pointless wars in Afghanistan and Syria, and of course selling more weapons than anyone to the Saudis and other thugs. 

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