Thursday 23 May 2019


Business opportunity.
California's success was  founded on the 1849 Gold Rush, when tens of thousands of enterprising prospectors flooded into the largely undeveloped state and kick-started its economy. It never looked back...until today. 

Now California is fast becoming a Third World country, as "sanctuary cities" and a Democrat "super majority" suck in more Third World migrants and cause more "Middle class Americans" to flee.

But even the slide into "shithole" status has its golden seam, with the news that San Francisco now has its own highly paid 'Poop Patrol' to deal with the problem of public defecation that is now increasingly common as multiculturalism destroys shared values. 

Yes, all the poop on Californian streets is now turning a tidy profit to anyone brave enough to tackle the brown tsunami.

As reported by Business Insider:

In San Francisco, you can earn more than $184,000 a year in salary and benefits for cleaning up feces.

As members of the city's "Poop Patrol," workers are entitled to $71,760 a year, plus an additional $112,918 in benefits, such as healthcare and retirement savings, the San Francisco Chronicle reported.

In August, the city announced that five staffers from the San Francisco Department of Public Works would soon roam the Tenderloin neighborhood — where nearly half of the city's homeless population is — in search of waste. The staffers will begin their efforts each afternoon equipped with a steam cleaner for sanitizing the streets.

The full budget for the initiative, $830,977, signifies a concerted effort to address the city's mounting feces problem, which has resulted in more than 14,500 calls to 311, the city's non-emergency-services line, since the beginning of the year, the Chronicle previously reported.

The issue isn't just a matter of dog owners failing to pick up after their pets. As San Francisco faces a shortage of affordable housing, it has struggled to accommodate its more than 7,400 homeless residents...

The city's feces problem is a visible reminder of the gap between its rich and poor. Since taking office in June, Mayor London Breed, who campaigned on street-cleanup efforts, has signaled her concern by walking through the city unannounced in search of waste. In July, she told NBC Bay Area she was encountering more feces on the city streets than ever before.

While the Tenderloin remains the epicenter of the city's homelessness crisis, many residents outside the city center have begun to complain about excess feces in their neighborhoods due to the increased displacement of homeless populations.

Notice how they are keen to dump the blame on the homeless people? I am convinced they are not the only culprits. It could just as easily be coming from the city's many tech workers whose bowels might be damaged by sitting on their arses too long everyday and eating tendies. 

Also, San Francisco is home to a large proportion of otherwise healthy young men who just happen to have severely damaged sphincters and colonic passages. As yet there is no acceptable explanation for this medical condition, which appears highly localised to the San Francisco area. 

The main thing here is that we don't dehumanise the homeless. 

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