Monday 20 May 2019


When antifa started to throw milkshakes at Tommy Robinson and UKIP candidate Sargon of Akkad, the media and even some fast food outlets cheered from the sidelines.

Now thanks to that irresponsible attitude, Nigel Farage, a popular mainstream candidate whose party is leading in the polls for the forthcoming European Parliamentary Election, has also been milkshaked. 

As reported by Sky News:

A 32-year-old man has been arrested on suspicion of common assault after throwing a milkshake at Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage in Newcastle.

Mr Farage had just given a speech at the city's Monument as part of his party's campaign tour, ahead of Thursday's European Parliament elections, when he was attacked by a protester.

The attacker was identified as Paul Crowther, 32, from Newcastle...

Farage's attacker may have been radicalised by too much soy.
The inevitable consequence of this is that it is now "open season" on ALL British politicians. In fact, wherever a British politician from ANY party -- be it Labour, Liberal, or Conservative -- goes walkabout to drum up votes, there will be the ever-present spectre of the milkshake hanging over him or her.

The media is entirely complicit in this due to its smirking coverage of milkshaking incidents aimed at nationalists and Brexit supporters. Here is the BBC reporting on the incident. Notice how it makes Farage's attacker into a "hero" with "important" things to say:

Mr Crowther said: "I didn't know he [Mr Farage] was in town, I thought this is my only chance.

"It's a right of protest against people like him.

"The bile and the racism he spouts out in this country is far more damaging than a bit of milkshake to his front."

He denied an allegation that someone was cut, saying he only threw liquid on the politician.

Of his milkshake, he added: "I was quite looking forward to it, but I think it went on a better purpose."

Also it may not be entirely irrelevant that Farage's attacker actually works for Sky News. as a "Customer Service Rep." This is perfect, as it just highlights the role the media has been playing in the milkshaking phenomenon.

When the first milkshake attack happened, the Observer newspaper actually tracked down the perpetrator and proclaimed him a hero. Here is the reporter on that story praising his fellow Muslim on Twitter:

Leftist political magazine The New Statesman also ran an article welcoming the phenomenon.

“A variety of foods have been used over the years in protest, including eggs and custard pie, and it’s usually “a matter of convenience”, says Dr Benjamin Franks, a senior lecturer in Social and Political Philosophy at the University of Glasgow who specialises in direct action...

I think it [milkshake] latterly caught the imagination of anti-fascist protestors because it can be carried without raising suspicion and is clearly effective in making the victim feel uncomfortable and look ridiculous,” he adds. “The enemy of the far-right can be – and is – everywhere.”

Nowhere is this clearer than online, where the well of milkshake mania oozes thick. Slogans are appearing (“The Revolution will be Pasteurised!” and “Lactose Against Intolerance!”), and there’s a social media campaign called “Milkshakes Against Racism”, encouraging the practice, and even aiming to fund it with a JustGiving page (“Depending on how much is raised, we may consider hiring coaches/paying for travel to events!”).

He describes throwing milkshake as a “highly captivating non-violent alternative” to a punch, and calls it a “spontaneous reaction to a bully on the street” that has become a “form of direct action… a synonym for counter-protest against far-right views”.

Yes, "bullies" because they dare to go and discuss important issues with voters. How shocking!

Then there's the Guardian, which of course would be screaming blue murder and the death of democracy if one of its Leftist heroes got the same treatment:

Ridicule is effective protest. Just look at the milkshaken Tommy Robinson...

Is Robinson doomed to be doused in dairy at every campaign stop from now until he, fingers crossed, loses his deposit? It’s possible. And if so, Kelis’s classic, My Milkshake Brings All the Boys to the Yard, should be retooled as Robinson’s campaign song (which clearly needs to hire an emergency lyricist).

Then, there's The Independent, keeping things "classy" as ever:

Yes, Leftists, totally hilarious, that is, until it happens to your precious little politicians. Then let's see how you take that. I for one am going to enjoy watching your hysterical reactions because I'm pretty sure it's going to happen.


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  2. Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake.


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