Sunday 19 May 2019


Facebook is up to its dirty tricks again -- and this time it's personal, with Zuckerberg's actions affecting Trad News.

As you may or may not know, we use Facebook to let our readers know when a new article appears. We also use Twitter -- and occasionally and even Gab. But mainly we use Facebook and Twitter because most people are there. And although both of these big tech companies are utter cunts who shadow ban our content and stop our readers seeing it, Facebook is by far the worst.

In the last few days they have stopped us posting on our own Trad News Facebook Page. 

As we avoid so-called "hate speech" and calls for violence, they had to work extra hard to find a reason for this heavy-handed act of censorship, and finally got us on a "porn charge" for posting a link to this story, which, as you will see, doesn't actually have any porn in it. 

Please compare with the people pissing into each other's mouths and fucking each other's anuses that are readily available on Pornhub for reference.  

Also, that link was posted 2 years ago and is so far down the feed line by now that it is essentially inaccessible to anyone except a Facebook bot looking for an excuse to shut down a page that the SPLC or ADL does not approve of. 

Since the Trad News Facebook page was hit in this way, we have been posting Trad News links on the Affirmative Right page, but now Facebook have struck again, this time telling us that any link posted on that page is "spam." 

Here, take a look:

Also they have gone to the trouble of removing every single link to the Affirmative Right site from the Affirmative Right FB group. 

Yes, apparently posting links to Affirmative Right from a page people have chosen to join because it is called... let me see..."Affirmative Right" is now somehow "spam," while all the crappy ads that Facebook shoves down your throat are not.

These two recent examples of censorship for blatantly fake reasons is just our experience. But, from what we hear, this kind of thing is now happening on an industrial scale across the board, with millions of accounts being affected. 

Big Tech thinks they can control "the narrative" and society itself in this clumsy Orwellian way. My advice to them is enjoy that illusion a little longer because one way or another you are riding for a fall

1 comment:

  1. appears to have been done away with. Recently.


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