Sunday 28 April 2019


Richard Spencer's Mum, named after a popular aperitif
Sherry Spencer, the mother of "Rump" Alt-Right leader Richard Spencer, has apparently kicked out her own daughter-in-law Nina Spencer and her two young grandchildren from a condo where they were staying. She has also given them just THREE DAYS to find alternative accommodation!!!

As is well-known, Nina is divorcing Spencer on grounds of infidelity and domestic abuse, including violence.

Nina out in the cold
Nina posted the news on her Facebook page, with a copy of the notice of eviction, and complained that the eviction was "a special Orthodox Easter present for me and the children" from her mother-in-law. 

She also said that the condo was originally meant as a wedding present to herself and Spencer, but had not been transferred into their names. Really, that's a real bitch move by Spencer's Mum, especially because it endangers her own flesh and blood. This, it seems, is the "Spencer Ethnostate" when you get down to it -- homeless kids!
While Nina has been living in the condo, Spencer -- apart from occasional trips to Chicago to get cummies from his weird, Left-wing, Satanist girlfriend -- has also been staying in Whitefish. But, in true Alt-Right style, he has been residing in the basement of his mother's main residence. 

This is believed to be a separate compound-style building on the outskirts of town, defended by at least one poorly-trained guard dog.

Spencer's guard dog (2019 colorized)
The reason for the sudden eviction of Nina and her two small children is not yet known, but it is probably a crude attempt by Spencer's mother to fight his divorce battles for him and put pressure on Nina to take her foot off her son's neck. Nina has been running rings around Spencer, and stands to get full custody of the kids -- which Spencer at one point denied were his -- as well as a generous financial settlement. 

Also, Sherry's intervention may be an attempt to "free up" her son for his vitally important work, like doing live streams on "The Karate Kid" or inspiring fucked-up Zoomers to go and shoot up synagogues.

Anyone wishing to help Nina can donate HERE.

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  1. why would we help Nina? She will get childsupport? LOL.

  2. From what I've read in the past, Spencer's father (who is divorced from his mother) is supporting Nina in this battle. It wouldn't surprise me if the eviction notice had something to do with that.

  3. Don't care, had sex.

  4. Still butthurt about being locked out of that website? Sad!

    1. What website is that?

    2. The one Spencer booted Liddell and Nowicki from, three or four years ago. Colin has never recovered, hence all the bitchy gossip and malicious slander about Spencer. The website was or something like that.

    3. I heard Liddell was booted from the website because he put some gay moves on Spencer and Spencer rebuffed him, calling him a creepy faggot. Liddell then went full-homo on him and screeched he would "destroy" Spencer which he's been trying to do ever since. Turns out that Colin Spencer is an even bigger queer than Greg Johnson and now Will William's National Vanguard website is bitch-slapping the shit out of Liddell and so too Don Black's Stormfront forum. Nobody likes this British nonce and for good reason.

    4. I doubt any of that is true. What I heard is that Spencer was such a faggot he accused Liddell of being the father of his two children. I'm not saying Liddell was, but that proves Spencer is a fag IMHO.


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