Monday 1 April 2019


There are plenty of reasons to burn the shit novels of "Harry Potter" writer J.K. Rowling. The best ones are all based on literary criticism. The stories are vapid, derivative, shapeless, rambling, preachy, overlong, poorly edited, etc. 

But there are also good moral reasons to incinerate them. Her novels are full of SJW talking points and push the idea that Whites are somehow "evil." That's what Malfoy and Voldemort are so supposed to stand for -- evil Whiteys, while the whole "mudblood" acceptance narrative is all about promoting multi-cultural bullshit. 

I don't know about you, but brainwashing kids to accept a fucked-up political ideology is where I draw the line. Anyone who does that deserves more than just having their crappy novels burnt.

A less good reason to burn the novels is the one usually used when they are burnt -- that they somehow promote "Satanism" or "Devil magic." You sometimes see this from Africans and Christian weirdos. Honestly that gives them more credit than than they deserve and implies they have some sort of dark power. They don't. But, the main thing is that the trashy novels get burnt, amirite? So, I'm quite happy to go along with it. So full props to the Catholic church in Poland, which has been doing the honours, as reported by Yahoo News:

Catholic priests in Poland burned books they say are sacrilegious this weekend, including tomes from British author J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter series of fantasy novels.

"We obey the Word," priests said in a Facebook post showing photographs of the public book burning and quoting Biblical passages from the book of Deuteronomy in the Old Testament.

One passage exhorting believers to destroy the enemies of God includes the command to "burn their idols in the fire".

The post, on a page run by the Catholic "SMS from Heaven" evangelical group, stirred controversy and has gone viral."

Photographs show three priests carrying a basket of books and other items, including an African-styled face mask through a church to an outside fire pit.

Priests are seen saying prayers over the fire pit where other items, including a book from the Twilight vampire-themed fantasy romance series, a 'Hello Kitty' umbrella and a Hindu religious figurine, are also burning.

Father Jan Kucharski, the priest in the Gdansk parish where the book burning took place, told the news website on Monday that they had burned items "linked to the occult and magic."

Too bad about the innocent Hello Kitty umbrella, but in any culture war there are going to be innocent casualties. Also, let's bear in mind that the Kitty umbrella was probably burnt because most of these priests are fighting a manly struggle against their inner gayness.  

4th of April: Revealing the total corruption at the heart of the Church, the priest involved with the burning has now completely cucked and apologised.

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