Thursday 18 April 2019


Facebook, the giant, private social media monopoly that wants to data-mine your on-line activity while limiting what you can say and read, is trying out a new censorship approach by banning several British nationalist groups and individuals. 

If this is a success -- or at least faces no serious blow-back -- then it will certainly be rolled out in America as well, with nationalist, identitarian, civic nationalist, and anti-immigration accounts facing similar censorship.

The list of those banned are as follows:

The British National Party and its ex-leader Nick Griffin
Britain First, its leader Paul Golding and former deputy leader Jayda Fransen
English Defence League and its founding member Paul Ray
Knights Templar International and its promoter Jim Dowson
National Front and its leader Tony Martin

To give this crude suppression of free speech a veneer of respectability, they have lumped these nationalists in with Jack Renshaw, a confused, young, gay man and would-be pedophile who LARPed as an edgy Nazi and talked about -- yes, just talked about -- killing his local Labour MP. Basically a (((Daily Stormer))) style retard or Deep State asset.

In fact, so harmless was he that prosecutors were even unable to convict him of actual plotting. But this does not stop the media now routinely describing him as: 

"a neo-Nazi who plotted to murder a Labour MP." 

So scary, rite?

One-man genocide Jack Renshaw after being dressed by his mum
The point here is that Renshaw was once a member of the youth wing of the BNP, meaning that they can use his inclusion in the list to dishonestly smear people like Nick Griffin and the others, most of whom were connected to the BNP at some point in the past. 

The BNP, by the way, was a legitimate political party that fought thousands of elections during its lifetime, attracted almost a million votes in one election, and successfully won two seats in the European parliament -- and all this in the face of state attempts at disruption and relentless demonisation by the billionaire-controlled mainstream media.

In a press statement, Facebook rolled out the mouldy old story that it was opposing "violence" and "hatred":

"Individuals and organisations who spread hate, or attack or call for the exclusion of others on the basis of who they are, have no place on Facebook." 

Yes, that's right, they EXCLUDED these accounts, none of which have called for violence, because they supposedly call for the "EXCLUSION of others"!!! 

By that same standard, Facebook, which is literally and actually EXCLUDING people here, simply based on their peaceful political views, should turn right round and EXCLUDE itself. 

Pure 100% clown world!  

Expect to see the same measures taken in the near future in America, where Facebook will probably ban a whole group of right wing and populist sites, no doubt with one nutcase thrown in to add spurious justification. 

Facebook is dead, along with most Western-based social media. Get on Gab and also head over to Russian Facebook-clone

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