Friday 26 April 2019


In the latest example of clown world hysteria in London, a "Green" protester has super-glued her tits to the street. 

This is part of the so-called "Extinction Rebellion" (XR) by largely middle-class White people trying to call attention to themselves on social media while China continues to build giant power stations fuelled by shitloads of coal and grow its economy at a double digit rate.

As reported by the quality broadsheet The Metro:

A woman has glued her breasts to the road outside the Goldman Sachs offices today as activists ramp up disruption on the final day of protests. The eco-protester was spotted by passengers on a bus lying face down with her top up to her neck. Several police officers surrounded the woman and put up screens to stop the public watching her one-woman protest.

It was quite possibly the most spectacular stunt yet as climate change activists targeted London’s financial districts to highlight what they call the business world’s ‘role in our collective suicide’.

(XR) demonstrators temporarily blockaded the London Stock Exchange by gluing themselves across entrances to the trading hub in the City of London early on Thursday morning.

They were un-attached before being taken away in police vans, with Scotland Yard saying 26 people had been arrested on suspicion of aggravated trespassing. The Exchange said all markets were open as normal.

It is not known if the lady was removed with or without her funbags, which may still be stuck to the tarmac like two plates of jelly being pecked at by crows.

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