Saturday 13 April 2019


The Vatican, a centuries-old organisation for the promotion of pederasty and incense burning, is now offering a new foot-cleaning service. 

The service is available to any visiting Black politician or unwashed Third-World refugee, and is provided by an elderly Jesuit clergymen from Buenos Aires, also known as "Pope Francis."

The service involves the application of a cleaning fluid, otherwise known as "Papal saliva," to the foot, toe, and sole areas of the recipient, using the oral orifice and the tongue of the service provider, in this case "The Pope," reputedly the spiritual leader of the hundreds of millions of people around the World still proud to call themselves Catholics. 

The service usually takes several minutes, as the Pope is 82  years old and often requires assistance to be lowered into position and then raised up again. It is sometimes followed up with a vomit-cleaning service to deal with the large amounts of puke created by those Catholics who still find it difficult to stomach the fact that their spiritual leader has been reduced to a foot-cleaning accessory.

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