Thursday 11 April 2019


London, beset by a stabbing epidemic, has come up with a novel solution -- boosting the population of the already crowded metropolis so that there won't be enough "elbow room" to give someone a good stabbing. The method being used to create the "crime-stifling" surge in population is the tried and tested one of the mass importation of migrants with 172,000 international migrants arriving in the capital each year.

As reported by Breitbart:

London’s population is set to exceed 10 million for the first time by 2029 with net migration a primary cause, statistics show.

The figures released by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) show the dramatic findings in which the population of the capital, currently standing at 9.1 million, will rise to over 10 million in 10 years time with the population reaching nearly 11 million by 2041. This would be a population increase in London alone of over three times the total population of Sheffield in just 22 years.

The same method will also be used in other English cities that are also suffering from crime epidemics:

Other cities in England, too, face large population growth due to immigration, with Greater Manchester seeing an average of 22,000 international migrants arriving each year, Birmingham 13,000 and Liverpool 7,000 according to the government figures.

The population is due to rise sharply all across England, from 56.5 million this year to almost 64 million by 2041. This is largely due to an estimated average influx of over 450,000 international migrants every year, roughly the population of Cardiff, with a net annual migration of over 200,000.

While stopping crimes that require a lot of free upper body movement like stabbing, the increased population density will make other crimes more common. These include pick-pocketing, groping, and imitating Joe Biden.

As with Brexit, the government is also considering having a national referendum on whether people want to see more mass migration or less, and then just ignoring the result. 

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