Wednesday 17 April 2019


Theresa May's decision to drag Brexit out well beyond the long-established Brexit day of March the 29th is looking increasingly like the worst political decision ever made. 

Since making the move -- widely seen by members and voters of the Conservative Party as a betrayal of Brexit -- the polls have been absolutely brutal. 

Worse than this for May, the latest extension means that the UK will probably have to participate in the European elections held next month. This will give Brexit-supporting Tories the chance to show their displeasure with the mess made by Theresa May. 

The result will be the certain humiliation and the possible destruction of the Conservative Party.

In the latest poll, published by YouGuv, the Tories have now slumped to a miserable 15%, with Nigel Farage's new Brexit Party soaring to almost double the support with 27%. 

The full results are as follows:

As you can see, Labour is not doing very well either. In fact smaller parties are getting 63% of people's declared voting intention, as opposed to 37% for the two so-called "major" parties of government. 

Of course, these figures are for a European Parliamentary election, and in a Westminster Parliamentary election the two big parties woud do better. But, with Brexit dominating British politics, it is also possible that a crushing defeat for the Tories in a "lame duck" European election might also carry over into a Westminster election, with Tory voters deciding to stick with the Brexit party or UKIP. 

If that happens, you can kiss the Conservative Party goodbye and look forward to a realignment of British politics. 

The relatively strong showing by the Green Party in the poll, suggests that something similar -- but weaker -- is happening on the Left side of politics, with Labour loosing support to the breakaway Change UK (CUK Party).

Interesting times ahead. Stay tuned!

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