Monday 1 April 2019


Scientists at the University of Liverpool have discovered that birth control pills are effectively "racist" This is because they lower the attraction that women feel towards racially different males, while enhancing their attraction to males of their own race.

As reported by Scientific American:

"Recent research suggests that the contraceptive pill—which prevents women from ovulating by fooling their body into believing it is pregnant—could affect which types of men women desire. Going on or off the pill during a relationship, therefore, may tempt a woman away from her man."

The mechanism that influences female attraction are the genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC). This plays an important role in the immune system, with women evolving through millions of years to be attracted to the scent of males whose MHC genes differ from their own. 

This means that on a biochemical level they tend to favour "less-related" or foreign males. By mating with a man with different MHC genes, the women is thought to increase the immune defence of her child against disease.

The contraception pill works by tricking the women's body into thinking it is pregnant. When pregnant, however, women are conditioned by evolution to act in a quite different way, being more attracted to males of their own race. This is because women have evolved through millions of years to first seek out men with different MHC, get banged up, and then seek the protection of more closely related males, like their fathers, brothers, and cousins.

"A study published in August in the Proceedings of the Royal Society...suggests that women on the pill undergo a shift in preference toward men who share similar MHC genes. The female subjects were more likely to rate these genetically similar men’s scents (via a T-shirt the men had worn for two nights) as pleasant and desirable after they went on the pill as compared with before. Although no one knows why the pill affects attraction, some scientists believe that pregnancy—or in this case, the hormonal changes that mimic pregnancy—draws women toward nurturing relatives.

Women who start or stop taking the pill, then, may be in for some relationship problems. A study published last year in Psychological Science found that women paired with MHC-similar men are less sexually satisfied and more likely to cheat on their partners than women paired with MHC-dissimilar men. So a woman on the pill, for example, might be more likely to start dating a MHC-similar man, but he could ultimately leave her less sexually satisfied. Then if she goes off the pill during the relationship, the accompanying hormonal changes will draw her even more strongly toward more MHC-dissimilar men. These immune genes may have a “powerful effect in terms of how well relationships are cemented,” says University of Liverpool psychologist Craig Roberts, co-author of the August paper."

Fucking hell, not only are women emotional roller coasters, they are biochemical minefields as well. Take care out there, lads!

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