Monday 11 March 2019


In yet another march away from the dumpster fire of the Alt-Right, Patrick Casey has relaunched the American identitarian movement by disbanding Identity Europa and starting a new "baggage free" group. The new organisation was launched at a rally held at the Tennessee State Capitol in Nashville over the weekend.

Casey took over the leadership of the White activist group Identity Europa in November 2017. But due to its negative baggage and former association with toxic Alt-Right figures -- like Richard Spencer, Eli Mosley, and Nathan Damigo, who founded the group in March 2016 -- Casey decided that a clean break with the past was needed. 

The new group is called the American Identity Movement, with the cool acronym of AIM.

In a statement released on Twitter, Casey said the move was more than just a mere rebranding and was an entirely new organistion.

The original Identity Europa group will be forever linked to the Pan-European delusions of Richard Spencer, the "manlet violence" of its founder Nathan Damigo, who led the movement at the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally, and the "stolen valour" lies of Eli Mosley, who also briefly served as leader.

Trad News welcomes this sensible step away from the mistakes of others.

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