Tuesday 26 March 2019


If Donald Trump is playing 4D chess (sorry, old meme), then he must be playing Anti-Semitic 4D chess because his latest masterstroke -- recognising Israel's claim to the Golan Heights, a small piece of occupied Syrian territory -- has united the entire Arab world for the first time in decades. 

Even US allies and Arab and Muslim countries that hate Syria have been enraged by Trump's decision, and have lined up with old enemies in the region to oppose the move.

As reported by Arab News:

Saudi Arabia firmly rejected Trump’s decision, and affirmed its position that the Golan Heights is occupied Syrian land in accordance with relevant international resolutions.

“It will have significant negative effects on the peace process in the Middle East and the security and stability of the region,” said Saudi Media Minister Turki Al-Shabanah.

The UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation said in a statement: “The US move will definitely undermine the possibility of reaching a just and comprehensive peace in the region.”

It added: “Regional stability and peace will never be possible as long as Israel continues its occupation of Palestinian and Arab territories.”

Oman’s Foreign Ministry said Trump’s decision “does not change the fact that the Golan Heights is Syrian land,” and “does not help to keep the region stable.”

The other Arab Gulf states of Bahrain, Qatar and Kuwait, all regional allies of Washington, also rejected the decision.

Now Israel is more morally isolated than ever, while America's ability to influence Arab and Muslim countries in the region has been greatly reduced. 

So, is this a smart move by a secretly anti-SemiticTrump who is really trying to undermine the state of Israel? 

Almost definitely not. It is much more a case of a dumb boomer politician clumsily kissing the ass of his big Jewish-Zionist donors, like Sheldon Adelson, and listening to the poisonous whispers of his Jewish son-in-law, Jared Kushner. 

And is it good for the Jews? Almost certainly not because Sheldon Adelson -- age 86 -- is clearly a senile old fart who has no idea how geopolitics works. Uniting your enemies in this way is a loser move.

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