Saturday 2 February 2019


Not really sure what "Anti-Semitism" means anymore, as the media seems to overuse the term for any mild criticism or even comment on the Jewish community or Israel. 

Last November the Labour Party even suspended one of its Welsh Assembly members for just wondering about the degree of fantasy in Jewish fears of anti-Semitism. 

As reported by the Jewish Chronicle:

The Welsh Labour politician who questioned whether fears over the safety of Cardiff’s Jewish community were “in their own heads” has been suspended by the party.

The Welsh Assembly's Labour group decided to suspend Jenny Rathbone on Tuesday over comments made in a recording, leaked to the JC last week.

In the recording, which was made last year, Ms Rathbone was asked about increased security measures measures at Cardiff United Synagogue in the city’s Cyncoed suburb.

She said: “The fact that the Jewish synagogue in Cyncoed is, is become one of these, you know, fortress is really uncomfortable.

“How much of it is for real and how much of it is in their own heads is really hard for an outsider to judge, but I think siege mentalities are also part of it.”

Ms Rathbone also said that hostile behaviour towards Jews was driven by Israel's actions, possibly referring to the mass slaughter of Palestinian protesters on its borders last year, the frequent bombing of civilian areas of Gaza, or the illegal bombing raids on Syria. She didn't say.

But it's interesting that she's Welsh as a report by Google "HIDDEN HATE: WHAT GOOGLE SEARCHES TELL US ABOUT ANTISEMITISM TODAY" has revealed that the Welsh are the top anti-Semites in the UK, being 7.2% more "anti-Semitic" than the rest of Britain, while the Scots are the least "anti-Semitic."

As reported by the BBC:

Wales has the highest proportion of anti-Semitic Google searches in the UK, a report has said.

Analysis for the Community Security Trust (CST) included search terms such as "Jews evil, kill Jews and die Jews".

Google estimated the area, based on the user's IP address or phone location, and searches in Wales were 7.2% above average for the population size...

By comparison, searches in England were 1.9% above average, Northern Ireland was 2.4% below average and Scotland was 6.7% below average.

There are about 170,000 anti-Semitic Google searches in the UK each year, but CST did not include a baseline figure against which these averages were measured.

Notice the reference to IP addresses and phone locations? What they are subtly telling people here is that they literally know exactly who made each and every search, and probably have a long list of names, addresses, jobs, etc.

The report was compiled by Seth Stephens-Davidowitz, a former data scientist at Google, for the  Antisemitism Policy Trust and the Community Security Trust (CST), a Jewish defence group.

"[The analysis of Google's data] looked at search terms between 2004 and 2018, including Jew combined with words such as greedy, cheap, racist and ugly.

Mr Stephens-Davidowitz admitted it would not capture every instance of anti-Semitic searches, but "provides a reliable baseline measure".

He also acknowledged it was "impossible to know for sure that any given search is made by a person with anti-Semitic attitudes, as it is always possible someone was making a search out of curiosity rather than as a result of malign intent".

His research focused on negative stereotypes, violent thoughts, racial epithets and jokes.

Anti-Jewish slurs such as yid, kike and heeb were examined - but research for the report showed the majority of those searches were people looking for the definitions of the words "perhaps because people had heard it being used about Jews and had not come across it before".

Dr Rich, CST's head of policy, said: "Internet companies have a really important part to play in directing people towards or away from hate content. These companies can use their power for good or for ill."

A Google spokesman said: "We partner with organisations in the UK who work to tackle hate speech including CST and Stop Hate UK.

"Autocomplete helps you get to the information you are looking for as quickly as possible. For certain issues, including hateful predictions against groups and individuals based on religion we have developed policies to exclude such terms."

But why does Wales score so high? The explanation offered by Dr Rich, CST's head of policy, is that it's due to a lack of Jews:

"It's hard to speculate about why it may have been higher in Wales - it could be because the Jewish communities are smaller so there's perhaps more ignorance - a lot of racism is based on ignorance."

But that doesn't work, as Scotland, the least anti-Semitic part of the UK, also has a very low number of Jews.

One possibility is that the Welsh are a lost tribe of Arabs. In fact the Welsh are so akin to the Arabs that in the 1959 film Ben Hur, in which Charlton Heston played the title role, Welsh actor Hugh Griffith played Ilderim, the Arab Sheik character. In fact so convincing was he that he won the Oscar for best supporting actor.

One reason Griffith was hired was to save on make-up.
Don't laugh. I'm being serious. Insecurity about one's Whiteness is a well-known driver of 1488 retard nationalism and "anti-Semitism," which is why even many Jews, like (((Mike Enoch))) of The Daily Shoah podcast, become anti-Semitic. 

Mike "Cohen" Peinovich
Here is another Jew who had the same "identity" problem, and solved it in his own confused head by going full 1488:

Frank Collin, Mike Enoch's spiritual forefather
In fact none of the top guys at TRS look fully White to me, including Jesse Dunstan and Alex McNabb. Whitish yes, but something a bit "mystery meat" about all of them.

In fact, when I watch their livestreams I have the faint sense that I've wandered into a Lebanese restaurant or Turkish carpet shop somewhere, where everyone is miraculously speaking English.

Oh, and this guy....

"Which guy? They all look the same to me."
Even Millennial Woes, who recently went full 1488, fits into this weird psychological picture of try-hard Whitism. 

Millennial Woes shocking the smartly dressed WASPs at NPI by wearing a purple T-shirt from Italian fashion label Benetton
Even though he is fully White, he is a weird ethnic mixture of Southern Italian and Northern Scottish. Growing up in Scotland and noticing that he was always darker and more Southern-looking than the other kids would have implanted the try-hard Whiteness complex of the future "e-Nazi" and also made him an extremely sensitive person who likes to stare beseechingly into a camera.

Similar factors could explain why Wales mysteriously tops Google's anti-Semitism survey, as many Welsh people have a distinctly dark and Mediterranean appearance that distinguishes them from other British people.

It's not unusual: Welsh singers Tom Jones and Shirley Bassey
Another possible reason for Wales's unexplained "anti-Semitism" is that the country is exactly the same size as Israel. 

This could trigger deep-seated, primal fears that, when the Jews are finally forced to flee from their settlement in the Middle East, they might look around for a similar sized country to occupy, rather like a hermit crab will look for another similar-sized shell when it is evicted from its own shell by a stronger hermit crab.

Whatever the reason for all these anti-Semitic-themed "hate searches," Welsh people have to realise that it is bad and has to stop. 

And for those who take exception to Google micro-monitoring their online searches and then putting them on long lists of "haters," "racists," and "anti-Semites," the solution is simple -- stop using Google. Try instead DuckDuckGo, which promotes itself as "The search engine that doesn't track you." Nice...if you're Welsh!


  1. Millennial Woes' ancestry is 25% English, 25% Italian and 50% Scottish.

    He grew up in Linlithgow, near Edinburgh, in the SOUTH of Scotland. Whether this betokens deep roots in the south of the country or is only the end result of migration from the north is beyond anyone's knowledge (that is, unless the author has access to the Woes family records).

    MW's DNA test revealed that his Italian ancestry is from the NORTH of Italy, and that this was only 10% of his total ancestry, the rest being Northern European.

    MW has black hair and blue eyes. He is not conspicuously 'Mediterranean' in appearance, relative to the average Scot.

    Of course, the passage in question is most likely intended to be a piece of 'truthy' absurdism, and is a re-occurrence of the latest leitmotif at this site: the mean-spirited satirising of Millennial Woes, who has offered no offence but friendship to the rest of the Alt-Right.

    Oh, sorry... 'Affirmative Right'.

    In fact, the ultimate purpose of the satirical pieces at this site must surely be to provoke fact-checking comments from 'spergs' such as myself.

    Because that's better than the norm for articles at 'Trad News', which is no comments at all.

  2. Sorry, Woes, we cannot accept any self administered DNA tests as evidence.


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