Sunday 24 February 2019


Only a violent military invasion can make this in any way better.
Not since the dark day in 1263 when Genghis Khan captured the city of Samarkand and executed its five million inhabitants to build a giant pyramid of skulls to break up the monotony of the steppes has such an atrocity occurred on a single day as occurred on the Venezuelan border yesterday.

The World looked on in horror and disbelief as the evil "Brown Nazi" storm troopers of Venezuelan dictator Nicolas Maduro torched a convoy of innocent trucks carrying vital supplies of medicine and baby food to the starving children and old people of Venezuela. Even the incontinence pants were burned!

As failed Presidential candidate Marco Rubio pointed out:

Yes, indeed, the criminal regime in Caracas has truly earned the ire of Heaven and the spleen of the Gods!

But not only did this evil Nazi Fascist regime burn the sacred "Trucks of Hope" before the bleeding eyes of children and elderly citizens, it also threatened a "Ship of Deliverance" laden with yet more food and medicine, as once again noticed by unsuccessful Presidential candidate Marco Rubio:

Not since the American ocean liner Lusitania was sunk by a Nazi U-boat in 1914 and the survivors machine-gunned in the crimson waters as they begged for mercy has such a naval atrocity occurred. 

How much longer can President Trump ignore the cries of the starving children of Venezuela?

How many more days can he ignore the screams of those subjected to the horrors of free socialist medical care? 

When will he finally unleash the bombs of Hope? When will he unbind the rockets of Change, and finally untether the Apache helicopters of Freedom? 

The world waits, but the world also demands to know!

Meanwhile Maduro continues to laugh at the sobs and whimpers of the children and the howls of the dying and the as-yet-unborn.

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