Monday 18 February 2019


Seven MPs from the UK Labour Party have quit to form a new parliamentary group due to differences with Labour's leadership over Brexit and essentially false accusations of anti-Semitism in the Party. 

The seven members, include Luciana Berger, a victim of an Andrew Anglin troll army campaign in 2014, and Chuka Umunna, a Black MP who was once groomed to become the "British Obama," before everybody just realised how crap the first one had been and lost interest. 

The other five MPs are total nobodies. 

Anti-Semitic meme made by
Anglin's troll army in 2014
The seven MPs will now be known by the exciting and imaginative name "The Independent Group." Their main political objective is to overturn the result of the 2016 Referendum to leave the European Union. In order to do this they are calling for another referendum -- a so-called "Loser's Vote" -- which they hope to rig.

They have also called for MPs from the Labour and Conservative parties to join them, but have not extended this invitation to the LibDems, probably because, when their project fails, they will be asking to join the LibDems instead of the other way round. 

Another point of difference between the group and the Labour Party leadership is over the so-called "anti-Semitism issue." According to MPs like Berger, Labour is "institutionally anti-Semitic." In several stories that we ran at Trad News in recent months, however, these accusations were found to have little or no substance, although it's pretty clear that Labour hates all White people. 

Read more here: 

Essentially the seven MPs are part of an isolated Blairite faction in the party -- i.e. followers of discredited former Prime Minister Tony Blair. Blairites believe in centrist economic policies, globalism, and neocon wars for Israel, which is why they are so sensitive about any criticism of Israel.

The bulk of the Labour party's grass roots membership, by contrast, believes in radical wealth distribution through massive public debt, dislike Israel because it is a White colony in the Middle East, and believe that Britain should leave the EU but stay under the EU's control by remaining in the Custom's Union.

Many of the MPs remaining in the Labour Party are sympathetic to the views of the Independent Group, but are unwilling to join it at the moment because small parties do extremely badly under the UK electoral system and they would probably lose their cosy jobs as MPs.

Also, many of them are haunted by the history of the Social Democratic Party, a splinter party of MPs who broke away from the Labour Party in 1981 when it became too Leftist. 

At first that Party, which was led by four senior Labour Party moderates, did very well in opinion polls but suffered badly in elections due to the UK's unfair electoral system. After the 1983 election, the party merged with another small party and disappeared.

It is not yet clear how this split will effect the position of Prime Minister Theresa May, as her party is also deeply split. But in the event of a general election, it would probably split the Labour vote, allowing her party to win more seats.

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