Friday 22 February 2019


While the West ties itself in moral knots about about how "evil" it is to harvest stem cells or how "extra special" babies with Down's Syndrome are, the Chinese are accelerating at full speed down the Eugenics Superhighway. 

As reported by Technology Review:

The brains of two genetically edited girls born in China last year may have been changed in ways that enhance cognition and memory, scientists say.

The twins, called Lulu and Nana, reportedly had their genes modified before birth by a Chinese scientific team using the new editing tool CRISPR. The goal was to make the girls immune to infection by HIV, the virus that causes AIDS.

The funny part here is that the Chinese are using the prevention of AIDs to Chinese girls as the "excuse" for this research. No gender/race group is less likely be afflicted with this disease than East Asian females, so this is clearly cover.

Nobody is going to say outright that they are trying to create a super-intelligent master race, because we all know how that sounds right? But this is exactly what it looks like they are trying to create:

The Chinese team, led by He Jiankui of the Southern University of Science and Technology in Shenzhen, claimed it used CRISPR to delete CCR5 from human embryos, some of which were later used to create pregnancies. HIV requires the CCR5 gene to enter human blood cells.

The experiment has been widely condemned as irresponsible, and He is under investigation in China. News of the first gene-edited babies also inflamed speculation about whether CRISPR technology could one day be used to create super-intelligent humans, perhaps as part of a biotechnology race between the US and China.

There is no evidence that He actually set out to modify the twins’ intelligence. MIT Technology Review contacted scientists studying the effects of CCR5 on cognition, and they say the Chinese scientist never reached out to them, as he did to others from whom he hoped to get scientific advice or support.

Of course they didn't reach out! Why would they? The only reason Chinese scientists reach out to American scientists is when they have some knowledge or technology that the Chinese don't yet have. In this case however, it is the Chinese who are way ahead. Why would they want to share that with their rival superpower?

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