Thursday 10 January 2019


Mainstream politicians when they notice racial crime patterns...

Gangs of African thugs, like the infamous Sudanese Apex gang, have been running rampant in Australia's second city of Melbourne for years now (They even have their own Wikipedia entry). 

Meanwhile the State of Victoria's "politically correct" police force have been pretending that there is no gang problem and that any crimes committed are just the result of random "bad apples."

But now that has all changed, after Victoria's Police Minister Lisa Neville finally conceded that a crime wave was underway and is being caused by actual African gangs.

As reported by a story buried in the back pages of the Leftist-dominated ABC News:

Ms Neville said most African migrants were law-abiding citizens, but "this core group of African youths are causing huge fear"

Yes, that's right, the Black crime wave is so bad that a leftie Labour Party politician has finally been forced to make the connection between race and crime. Here's what she looks like by the way:

Lisa Neville - a supersized version of Angela Merkel.

Acting Chief Commissioner Shane Patton was quick to back up his boss.

Just days after Victoria Police Deputy Commissioner Andrew Crisp said he did "not accept for a minute that we do have gangs", Acting Chief Commissioner Shane Patton said there were African street gangs in Melbourne.

"We have for a significant period of time said that there is an issue with overrepresentation by African youth in serious and violent offending as well as public disorder issues," Acting Commissioner Patton said.

"These young thugs, these young criminals, they're not an organised crime group like a Middle Eastern organised crime group or an outlaw motorcycle gang. But they're behaving like street gangs, so let's call them that — that's what they are."

The Left aren't admitting the problem out of the goodness of their hearts either. They have been forced into it by stinging criticism from Liberal Party party politicians (the Liberal Party is basically the equivalent to the GOP or the Tories) and the prospect of a national election later in the year. 

Australian policeman pissing blood trying not to notice "race." 

Last year the New York Times reported comments by Australia's then Prime Minister:

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull on Tuesday accused the premier of Victoria State, Daniel Andrews — a member of the opposition Labor Party — of failing to address the “growing gang violence and lawlessness” in his state after a recent series of well-publicized crimes by African-born offenders.

Peter Dutton, the home affairs minister, took to a Sydney radio station that same day and said that “political correctness” had rendered leaders in Victoria blind to the crime wave around them.

“We just need to call it for what it is: African gang violence,” he said. “The reality is, people are scared to go out to restaurants at nighttime because they’re followed home by these gangs.”

The men’s comments were preceded by several crimes in Victoria’s capital, Melbourne, which were attributed to young African-born men, including a violent brawl at a McDonald’s, the vandalism of an Airbnb property, and the assault of a police officer at a shopping center during the holiday period.

Despite this, at last year's Victoria State election, Labour strangely did well, increasing their majority to 55 seats in the 88-seat state Parliament. But this year we will see national Federal elections. The latest poll for "primary voting intention" puts the parties as follows:

37% - Liberal/ National Party
36% - Labour
11% - Green
7% - One Nation
9% - Others

What this means is that both the main parties are neck-and-neck but have smaller, more radical parties threatening to take vital votes from them. 

In the case of the Liberal Party it is the anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim One Nation Party, led by Pauline Hanson; while in the case of the Labour Party it is the Green Party. 

To stave off the rise of One Nation, the centre-right Liberals have to signal hard against ethnic gang crime, while to stop their vote going to the Greens, the centre-left Labour Party have to suck up to the immigrants and turn central Melbourne into a pristine jungle environment. 

But the Australian Labour Party itself has a long history of opposing non-White immigration, so many Labour voters might also be attracted by Pauline Hanson's One Nation Party. Let's hope so!

Mother of the Nation

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