Thursday 24 January 2019


The Barry White of the bedpan

This is Nathan Sutherland, a male nurse who has been in the news recently:

A male nurse who allegedly got a severely disabled patient pregnant may have abused her countless times, police said.

Nathan Sutherland, 36, who was employed at the Hacienda HealthCare centre in Phoenix, Arizona, was arrested today after his DNA "matched the baby".

The 29-year-old mother was a patient at the 60-bed care facility and has been in a vegetative state for 14 years after nearly drowning.

A massive investigation was launched following the birth on December 29, with police gathering DNA samples from male employees at the facility as they tried to determine who had assaulted the patient.

Sutherland, a licensed practical nurse, has worked at the site since 2011 and was charged with sexual assault and vulnerable adult abuse.

In Quentin Tarantino's film "Kill Bill" Uma Thurman's character got fucked that way, while in a coma. Except that time it was a couple of White guys, of course. As that film was made by White-hating Hollywood, the rapists are shown to be a couple of White guys. 

Hang on, there's probably film of that on YouTube... 

Knew it! 

They want you to see this and get the message that White people are pure scumbags.

But once again the narrative doesn't quite match the reality, as VDare found out when they looked into the phenomenon of actual comatose rape and found all the known offenders against comatose women are Black.

This not the first time this has happened.

In Rochester, New York, in 1996 a young (probably white) woman who was in a coma was found to be pregnant and John Horace, an "aide at the nursing home with a sordid background, was identified through DNA testing, convicted of rape and sent to prison."

He was released on parole in 2012, but sent back for failing to abide by the terms of his parole, and may be in a "treatment facility designated for sexually violent predators". His sentence runs until 2021, but he could be there for life. [In a first, a comatose Rochester woman gave birth. Today, her rapist remains behind bars, Steve Orr and Gary Craig, Rochester Democrat and Chronicle, January 11, 2019]

The other case is that of Israel Moret, who impregnated a comatose woman (again, probably white) who then gave birth, prematurely, to brain-damaged child.

1 comment:

  1. Do they have parental visitation rights? Or just muh dik rights?


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