Friday 18 January 2019


Reliable scientific data has already proved that White people work harder than anyone not to think badly of Blacks, and most of all not to say mean things about them. 

But sometimes this can involve an enormous strain, especially when they are bombarded with news story after news story of Blacks behaving in ways that beggar belief, as with the recent case in which a pregnant Black woman literally gave birth in a restroom and then walked away leaving her small brown child in the toilet bowl:

As reported by Channel 8

A woman gave birth to a baby boy and then left the newborn partially submerged in a toilet at an assisted-living facility restroom in Pennsylvania, the local district attorney's office said.

Emmanuella Osei, 23, of Reading, is charged with felony endangering the welfare of a child regarding the Monday night incident at a group home in Warwick Township.

Investigators believe the child was in the water for about 10 to 15 minutes before he was discovered.

A police officer and medics performed CPR on the infant and likely saved his life. He was at a hospital, on a ventilator, in critical condition but stable. The extent of his injuries was still being assessed.

Authorities said Osei made no attempts to help the baby, and she did not ask first responders how he was doing or request to see him.

Police arrested Osei Wednesday at a health facility where she had been since giving birth. She is being held in Lancaster County Prison without bail.

The district attorney's office said Osei came from Ghana to live with her uncle last May. Officials said she knew she was pregnant but denied it when asked by friends, co-workers and her uncle.

I know some White people are probably thinking really mean things now, and that the obvious comparisons between taking a dump and having a little brown baby are crackling through their synapses. But just don't say it, and, if possible, just don't think it. And whatever you do don't ask things like "Did she wipe and flush?"

There is really nothing good that can come from saying or even thinking thoughts like that. In fact don't even read this article. I'm sorry I wrote it now.

Remember, it's just another day in our multicultural paradise, where you have to pluck out your eyes, stuff your ears, hold your nose, and put your brain in a jar so that you don't end up saying or thinking the wrong thing.

White person suffering from interracial tongue-biting syndrome
As for you, Black people, please think about the unbearable strain you are putting on nice White people, who have to put up with your crazier shit by (a) not lashing out and (b) biting their tongues until they bleed. Really, can you sleep at night knowing the amount of intense discomfort you are causing them? This is how stomach ulcers are formed.

I mean, you do want multiracialism to work don't you?


  1. When ya gotta take a shit ya gotta take a shit. But man, oh man, the stench she left in that "baffroom"!

  2. You can't be White saying mean things like that.


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