Thursday 24 January 2019


President Donald Trump has scored a major PR coup by inviting the Covington Kids to the White House. The kids, as the whole world already knows, were innocent victims of a psychopathic Leftist posing as a "noble Redskin" and some psychopathic Blacks posing as "Jews." 

The mainstream media and most of the cuckservative Right tried to vilify the kids as "racists," based on an innocuous video clip showing one kid, wearing a MAGA hat, refusing to back down to the obnoxious Leftit activist. 

As reported by the Daily Wire, a cuckservative publication that initially jumped on the anti-White bandwagon:

On Tuesday, Nick Sandmann, the student from Covington Catholic High school who was at the center of the controversy with Native American Nathan Phillips last Friday near the Lincoln Memorial, confirmed to The Daily Wire that the White House has reached out to host the students. Sandmann said, "The President wants to send a plane down to get us."

On Monday night, President Trump issued a series of tweets regarding the Covington kids. He stated, "Looking like Nick Sandman & Covington Catholic students were treated unfairly with early judgements proving out to be false - smeared by media. Not good, but making big comeback! 'New footage shows that media was wrong about teen’s encounter with Native American'@TuckerCarlson."

Trump also tweeted: 

Toxic left-wing lie-factory CNN immediately moved to frame the move as racists:

Framing Trump's support for the students in emphatically racial terms, CNN reported earlier Tuesday morning, "President Donald Trump is publicly siding with the mostly white students of a Kentucky high school who were engaged in a confrontation with a Native American elder that renewed a sensitive national debate about race relations in America."

As did the Washington Post, which is owned by creepy billionaire Jeff Bezos:

An article in The Washington Post attempted to put the most cynical spin it could on Trump's support for the students. Phillip Bump started by opining, "Trump hyped allegations that the initial response to news of the event, a response that generally criticized Sandmann and the other students as mocking Phillips, was unfair or inaccurate."

Bump surmised that "Trump’s base is heavily predicated on support from Americans who identify as religious." Thus, he figured, Trump was appealing to evangelical Christians by supporting the boys. Bump stated, "Evangelical voters are not necessarily sympathetic to the plight of American Catholics, of course. But the fact that the boys from Covington were in Washington for the March for Life is significant. Opposition to abortion is a central motivating issue for many Trump supporters, including evangelical voters."

Then Bump played the race card: "One of the defining components of Trump’s campaign was that his base was much more likely to say they’re worried about 'reverse racism' — that is, racism targeting white Americans. In a 2016 HuffPost/YouGov poll, more Trump supporters said whites were discriminated against than said the same of Muslim, black or Jewish Americans.Such views mirror the evangelical community’s." He followed, "It’s impossible to extricate race from Friday’s events."

Yes, in a society where White kids are literally attacked as "racists" and sent death threats by Leftists for doing absolutely nothing, race is not going to go away. Instead it is going to become vast and unavoidable. The elephant is no longer in the room, the room is now in the elephant.

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