Friday 4 January 2019


Richard Spencer, the leader of the damp patch where the Alt-Right used to stand, has been giving his opinions on ancient architecture, most notably the Biblical tower of Babylon.

In comments made on a recent YouTube livestream, Spencer revealed that he is coming increasingly under the influence of his Liberal girlfriend, Megan Bobonik, who is also an amateur Satanist.

Replying to a caller, Spencer went into his usual imperialist bullshit designed to make everyone hate White people, before his lowly sidekick and acolyte, Mark Brahmin kicked in with a reference to the Tower of Babel, a timeless parable of hubris gone wrong:

"There is this famous parable in the Bible about the Tower of Babel. And the whole premise of that parable is that there are effectively these kind of non-Jewish figures who are trying to build a tower to go to the heavens. The Jewish god effectively sees them as a competitor, right?

He sends down his minions. He says lets go down and confuse their languages and disrupt them. So that Tower of Babel is kind of an ideal. That's something that our adversaries wouldn't want. When I say 'the Tower of Babel' that would actually be a kind of unified culture. This unified language, or a common language, and common culture. We already have that to on extent or another, with English being a common language in the Western World. I think going in that direction, further in that direction, is actually a good thing."

After Brahmin had lubed up the theme in this way, Spencer then ran with it, and started talking about flipping or inverting not only this story but also everything else in the Bible and Christianity.

"We need to flip all this supposed Biblical wisdom on its head. This is the paleocon answer: Oooh the Tower of Babel or whatever! It's funny that a lot of these people are Catholics. No, we build structures that last a thousand years. That is what we do. We build the Tower of Babel. We build Rome and we centralize things and bring people together. And this can last a long time."

Turning Christianity on its head, by the way, is literally the textbook definition of Satanism. For example, the Satanic Black Mass is a ritual characterized by the inversion of the Traditional Latin Mass celebrated by the Roman Catholic Church.

Also, nice hint of the "Thousand Year Reich" in there, Dickie. Sure you don't want to raise your bourbon glass again?

Listen to the full exchange here with some feedback from enraged Catholic Kevin Michael Grace:


  1. Don't punch right, bro...Oh wait, this is Spencer. Go right ahead.

  2. Whenever you fantastic moronic retards refer to the "Jewish God" in the negative you risk looking contextually stupid for a very simple reason. The God of the Bible isn't "The Jewish God."

    In the Book of Genesis where the Tower of Babel is mentioned, the Hebrews don't even exist. The Tower is pre-Abraham, for Christ's sake! ( I'm constantly astounded at how retarded folks on the far right can be. )


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