Sunday 27 January 2019


Woes: a wonderful range of Nazi rants?
Scottish YouTuber Millennial Woes is a good example of where the initially promising Alt-Right went wrong. 

When he first emerged roundabout 2015, his thoughtful and sensitive take on European identity and the problems faced by millennials struck a chord, and he gained a large following. 

Thanks either to his innate decency and/or Europe's hate speech laws, he was always very careful  to  keep to the moral high ground as much as possible, while arguing about extremely sensitive and difficult topics. Unlike many others in the Alt-Right, he avoided cheap shots, racial slurs, and crude insults. 

Ironically, this got him into trouble, because it also got him invited to the now notorious 2016 NPI conference where a lisping Richard Spencer and a sieg-heiling (((Mike Enoch))) foolishly or malevolently invoked Nazi imagery. 

Before weight training, (((Enoch))) could only lift one hand in the air.
This lead to Woes being doxxed and hounded out of Scotland by the Scottish press and antifa, greatly increasing his living costs. Despite this Woes managed to maintain his brand as the sane, decent voice of the Alt-right....for a time.

However in recent months, following the demonetisation of his YouTube channel and having his Twitter account shut down, Woes has ended up in a very dark place, becoming increasingly Jew obsessed and anti-Semetic in ever cruder and less effective ways. 

This is possibly due to the influence of Greg Johnson, with whom Woes is now believed to be extremely close, or else it is a simplistic reaction against social media itself, which Woes blames for his woes and believes to be entirely Jewish owned and controlled. 

The end result of this is that Woes is now destroying his brand as a sensitive, intelligent commentator, and sounding increasingly like a Daily Stormer reject. 

Because of his deplatforming by Twitter, he now tweets under the name Millenni-Ja Wohls, a pun on his original name incorporating the phrase "Jawohl, mein Führer” which translates as "Yes, my leader."

Woes has effectively become what Spencer and (((Enoch))) did to him in 2016. Truly pathetic!

Here are two of his recent tweets, making crude childish fun of Holocaust Remembrance Day and mocking the murder of a large but unknown number of Jewish people by the Nazis during WWII.

Yes, of course the Holocaust is often weaponised for nefarious purposes, like gaining illicit support for the Jewish colonisation of Palestine and changing the immigration and refugee policies of Western nations. But attacking the Holocaust with childish jokes like this, only strengthens its power as a meta political entity and weakens one's self.

Even under the best conditions, it is extremely difficult to be an effective nationalist these days, but once you go 1488 the establishment and the Left are gifted with an extremely effective stick with which they can beat you. This is something that greatly limits your effectiveness, and is almost impossible to live down.  

There is also plenty of evidence that points to Anglin and Weev using this tactic to deplatform, demonetise, and divide the Alt-Right on purpose, which is why it is now finished as a movement.

All young Dissident Righters and identitarians should take a lesson from the sad fate of Millennial Woes -- pushed into an ever darker corner of the internet  both by the forces arrayed against him, deplatforming and demonetisation empowered by Stormerism, but also by his own psychological weaknesses.


  1. The story originally disappeared before I could read it, so I'm glad I now have the chance to. This does seem out of character for Woes, but not exactly a big deal. Putting Mike Enoch in triple brackets isn't going to be seen as much different, to those aware of what it means.

  2. Matrick, what is wrong with putting Mike Enoch's name in triple parentheses? Mike Enoch is Jewish. He has said it himself. I've seen no evidence that he was joking, as many of his apologists say. Enoch is a phony, and a fake, and he needs to be exposed for what he is.


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