Wednesday 30 January 2019


The FBI has to go. 

Whatever reason it was up for originally, it serves absolutely no purpose today. In fact, I'm pretty sure it just does a lot of harmful, Deep State shit that weakens the nation and undermines our democracy. 

With an annual budget of $8.7 billion, you could even use the money saved to build the Wall and still have change left over to wall off California as well.

The FBI is crap at stopping crime, but it is even worse at explaining it, as demonstrated by the final report on the Las Vegas massacre that took place in October 2017.

This was when demented boomer Stephen Paddock went ballistic and killed 58 people at a country and western music concert next to the Mandalay Resort and Casino where he was staying.

As reported by Fox News

In a three-page summary of its key findings, the FBI said it cannot determine why gunman Stephen Paddock killed 58 people on Oct. 1, 2017.

More than a year after the bureau began digging into the slaughter of 58 people -- and the wounding of scores of others -- at a Las Vegas country concert, the FBI said Tuesday it hadn't concluded anything more about Stephen Paddock's mysterious motive for the attack than it had the day after the shooting stopped.

The FBI's conclusions on the mass murder, which Paddock undertook from a sniper's perch in the Mandalay Resort and Casino in October 2017, were unveiled Tuesday by the Associated Press. The attack at the Route 91 Harvest Festival was the deadliest mass shooting in modern U.S. history.

Most of what the FBI concluded has long been known. Paddock acted alone when he planned and carried out the attack, Aaron Rouse, the special agent in charge of the FBI’s Las Vegas office, said. The 64-year-old fatally shot himself as police arrived into his hotel suite.

“It wasn't about MGM, Mandalay Bay or a specific casino or venue,” Rouse said. “It was all about doing the maximum amount of damage and him obtaining some form of infamy.”

FFS, how much money did they spend to reach those non-conclusions?!!

It's pretty obvious there was something funny going on here, probably something connected to the FBI itself. 

Maybe Paddock was a just a gun nut as claimed, or much more likely he was some kind of undercover arms dealer for the FBI, selling illegal weapons to Mexican drug gangs or terrorists. Maybe the whole massacre was staged to cover something else up. Maybe he was a mad boomer Democrat pissed at Trump being President. Who the f**k knows. But I'm pretty sure the FBI know a lot more than they are letting on here. 

The correct thing to do in cases like this is to come up with a cover story that at least "explains" things to Joe Public so that people stop asking awkward questions. It doesn't even have to be particularly clever or even plausible, something like: He was cleaning all his guns on the window sill when they suddenly all went off at the same time

But the FBI report doesn't even try. Sheer f**king laziness!

This is yet more evidence that people in government jobs are so useless that you wouldn't miss them if they all just disappeared tomorrow, like this story will.


  1. If there were real victims, don't you think the families would be making a big deal about the "lack of motive" now?

  2. I read that Paddock was upset after leaving a McDonald's drive-thru and discovering they'd failed to put pickles on his Quarter Pounder. That mistake alone would drive anyone over the edge.


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