Saturday 12 January 2019


Alt-Right site Counter-Currents has organized yet another sick, macabre "birthday party" for a dead writer, this time Jack London, who would be 143 years old today. If he were ALIVE that is!!!! But of course he's NOT. 

In fact the poor guy has been dead for 103 of those 143 years! In fact nobody is alive over the age of 143, ever. Not even close.

London, who was named after a large English city and was famous for writing adventurous books about the "American outback" -- would not be grateful to be summoned from the somber shades of Hades to sit alongside Greg Johnson, John Morgan, and the Brony crew at the Counter-Currents head office (whichever hotel Greg Johnson is staying at).

Nor would he be pleased to be offered a piece of swastika-shaped cake with 143 candles on it, especially as Johnson would probably be wearing a custom-made Savitri Devi sari and high heels at the time. 

But that is exactly what the Counter-Currents crew apparently had in mind with this disturbing message that was posted on social media by the site's Book Editor John Morgan:

Affirmative Right Chief Editor Colin Liddell tried to bring Morgan to his senses with the following, brutally true but ultimately kind comment:

It's silly having birthdays for dead people. Even middle-aged people don't like them that much.

Rather than talking about the "birthday" of a person who has long been dead in a cynical ploy to drive traffic to one's website, the correct terminology is to refer to the "anniversary of his birth." In this way you can avoid evoking unwelcome mental imagery of a corpse having a piece of cake and popping a champagne cork. 

Although only the Book Editor, Morgan takes care of all Counter-Currents' social media posting duties, as he is still a generally respected figure in the Alt-Right, unlike Chief Editrix Greg Johnson who is routinely called nasty gay slur words whenever he shows his face in any public forum. 

Yeh, we don't know why either.


  1. colin is morphing into some weird version of andrew anglin, at least when it comes to writing styles

    1. I guess that is a kind of compliment for our writers, as Anglin is an effective stylist, even though his views are shit and retarded.

  2. It's a cliche at this point to say that the left cannot be parodied anymore, but unfortunately the same has become true of the dissident right. White nationalist bronies, white Sharia, Spencer' crush on Macron, it's just become so humiliating and pathetic.


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