Tuesday 1 January 2019


Young Aryan males on their way to "wife themselves up"

In the past it was always clear what happened in ancient India: a group of tough European conquerors, with superior military and probably other skills, rode in and conquered the Sub-Continent, in the process setting up the Indian caste system. 

This was based on ancient Indian myths and legends, combined with the fact that India suddenly switched to Indo-European languages like Sanskrit about 3000-4000 years ago.

But the Left regarded this version of pre-history as "racist," colonialist, and somehow insulting to Indians, so they got their "scientists" to come up with a counter-narrative. According to this, we were told, the whole population of India switched to Indo-European languages simply because a few peaceful European traders came in and spread their language without any conquest or significant genetic input. Or else Indo-European languages supposedly originated in India and then spread outwards!!!

The findings of matrilineal DNA, which is only transmitted from mother to daughter, seemed to back these anti-White narratives up, suggesting there was little external infusion into the Indian gene pool over the last 12,500 years or so. Leftist scientists rubbed their hands together with glee and ran with it. 

But now that someone has finally got round to checking other DNA, like Y-DNA, it appears that the original story of Aryan conquest was completely right after all. In fact there has now been an explosion of genome-wide studies of human history, blasting away Leftist lies.

As reported by Indian newspaper The Hindu

The thorniest, most fought-over question in Indian history is slowly but surely getting answered: did Indo-European language speakers, who called themselves Aryans, stream into India sometime around 2,000 BC – 1,500 BC when the Indus Valley civilisation came to an end, bringing with them Sanskrit and a distinctive set of cultural practices? Genetic research based on an avalanche of new DNA evidence is making scientists around the world converge on an unambiguous answer: yes, they did.

This may come as a surprise to many — and a shock to some — because the dominant narrative in recent years has been that genetics research had thoroughly disproved the Aryan migration theory. This interpretation was always a bit of a stretch as anyone who read the nuanced scientific papers in the original knew. But now it has broken apart altogether under a flood of new data on Y-chromosomes (or chromosomes that are transmitted through the male parental line, from father to son)

...specifically, about 17.5% of Indian male lineage has been found to belong to haplogroup R1a (haplogroups identify a single line of descent), which is today spread across Central Asia, Europe and South Asia. Pontic-Caspian Steppe is seen as the region from where R1a spread both west and east, splitting into different sub-branches along the way.

Yup, it seems that the most obvious explanation was the right one all along, namely that warlike Northern tribes developed effective mobile warfare technologies and then used that to invade and conquer an entire Sub-Continent and then "wife themselves up" with the most beautiful women, leaving a massive genetic footprint in the modern Indian races, especially among higher caste Indians. 

Once again the main lesson from all this is clear: never believe a Leftist narrative!

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