Sunday 13 January 2019


We all know that terrorism is merely "part and parcel" of life in a vibrant and enriched multicultural society. 

We have come to accept it as a reasonable price to pay to have a wonderful range of restaurants and delicious ethnic cooking. In fact, we would probably miss it now if it was gone. 

However, it seems that there may be a sinister plan under way to "repackage" perfectly innocent terrorist attacks, carried out for sincere Islamic reasons, as nasty domestic accidents. 

For what purpose we do not yet now.

Just yesterday a bakery was blown apart in Paris, in what looked like a typical jihadi Muslim attack. Safe in the knowledge that terrorists had just struck and that everything was now okay, I was getting ready to resume my life when I got the extremely disturbing update that it was a GAS EXPLOSION!!!

As reported by mainstream news:

Three people, including two firefighters, have died and dozens more people were injured after a gas leak caused an explosion in Paris, emergency services in the French capital say.

The blast occurred at a bakery at 9 a.m. local time on Saturday, as firefighters were responding reports of the leak.

Police had originally said four people had died, before revising down the death count.

"At this hour, 2 firefighters from the Paris fire brigade are dead. 10 people are seriously injured, including a firefighter. 37 people are in a state of relative emergency," French Interior Minister Christophe Castaner tweeted.

Although the media is reporting this as a "gas explosion" the owner of the bakery has cast serious doubt on this. 

As reported by the Guardian:

The bakery owner, Hubert Beatrix, watched shocked as dozens of firefighters struggled to put out the blaze and evacuate residents of nearby buildings.

“I have no idea what happened. There’s no gas in my shop apart from a small supply for heating. My ovens are electric,” Beatrix said. “The shop was closed, luckily for me and my customers. Someone called me to tell me about this, but I still don’t know what happened.”

Then, following this, today I get news from the Western outpost of Kabul in Afghanistan that there had been another explosion in which nine people had died. 

Thinking that it was probably just the good old Taliban getting up to their usual tricks, I could dismiss it from my mind and focus on something else. But here too an extremely worrying spin was soon put on this news.

As reported by a local news outlet:

KABUL: An Afghan official says at least nine people were killed when a gas cylinder exploded in Kabul.

Wahidullah Mayar, spokesman for the Public Health Ministry, says several people were also injured in the late Saturday explosion inside a residential house in the Afghan capital.

Such incidents are common in Afghanistan, especially during the bitterly cold winters.

I don't know about you, but as someone who uses gas both in piped and cylindrical forms to stay warm on these cold Winter nights I find the "official" explanation in both these cases deeply troubling. It means we are forced to worry about every single gas boiler and cylinder in existence -- and there are millions of them. And, unlike Muslims, they are in almost every home (although that may change in the future).

I would much prefer to go back to the old status quo, where we could safely blame any random flesh-mangling explosion on a small minority of angry and upset Muslims (drawing mass passive support from less angry and upset Muslims). 

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