Wednesday 19 December 2018


McNabb with ethnic jewelry that he wears in memory of his enslaved ancestors.
The World was stunned yesterday by scenes reminiscent of Jim Crow and the darkest days of slavery, when Alex McNabb, 35, an innocent, young African-American man, was shouted at and insulted by an obviously hate-filled junta of old, angry White men.

The horrific scenes, evocative of the worst excesses of the Ku Klux Klan, took place at a hearing of the Board of Supervisors in Patrick County, Virginia, a hotbed of "White Supremacism." 

Fuelled only by hatred and penis envy, the angry, old White men were attempting to get McNabb fired from his job as a humble EMT with a winning bedside manner, just in case he placed his hands on a White woman and got her with child.

As reported by a local news site:

The community is small, so board meetings are held in the courtroom, and the session felt more like a trial than a local government meeting.

Only after the EMT in question, Alex McNabb, and the board chair got into an all-out shouting match did this end.

"You shut up, I've got the floor."

This was how Chairman Lock Boyce responded after being told by the shut up -- and it was the loudest outburst of what became a nearly five-minute screaming match between the two.

The most heated exchange between Boyce and McNabb was in reference to a story McNabb told...while in character.

The raw, animalistic hatred for McNabb -- who presumably acquired his ancient Scottish family name from an ancestor owned by a cruel Southern plantation owner -- was also motivated by his appearances on the Daily Shoah, a Jewish-run podcast that uses lots of informal and colourful terminology.

Publicity shot for the Daily Shoah, a popular Jewish podcast.

McNabb has used multiple slurs for black people on the Daily Shoah, and in this segment from October of 2016, he jokes about a mostly black apartment complex where he frequently responds:

“The complex is noted for large groups of people from all over Africa and West Africa -- funny how they self-segregate. It’s jokingly referred to as ‘Ebola Alley’ by the crew that regularly works there -- so many sick people coming in and out of there.

McNabb was also accused of practising witchcraft, under what was referred to as his witch doctor name of "Doctor Narcan." McNabb, speaking with calm dignity that was a credit to his ebony race, explained that this was not the case.  

McNabb spoke during public comment at the meeting saying the podcast and his character, "Doctor Narcan," is satire, and that he is the victim of a smear campaign.

"What you're looking at right here is basically like a Marilyn Manson or somebody from the Jerky Boys or somebody like that, OK? And that's why I'm here tonight. This is about free speech, which is under assault in this country," McNabb said.

Such slang terms are much used in African-American and Jewish communities, where they are often used affectionately. 

However, the bigotted board members, unable to understand such cultural differences, simply accused McNabb of torturing children and called for his immediate lynching. 

“Dr. Narcan enjoyed great, immense satisfaction as he terrorized this youngster with a needle and stabbed him thusly in the arm with a large-gauge IV catheter."

"Did you say that? Did you make that up, do you think that's funny?," asked Chairman Boyce. 

Although McNabb narrowly survived lynching this time, it is expected that an angry mob will get their hands on him shortly.

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  1. Replies
    1. Funny thing is this could actually save McNabb. I mean the guy doesn't really look White to me.

  2. McNabb is mixed-race, and has admitted that he has a smidgen of Jewish ancestry as well as some Mexican on his mother's side. But no negroid that I know of, but then, that might be due to nobody trying to pass for white will likely admit to being part nigger. McNabb also admitted in the video that everything they say on The Daily Shoah is fake and is intended for "entertainment only". That makes all those who listen to this show thinking they really mean what they say as suckers.


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