Tuesday 4 December 2018


One-eyed BNP leader Nick Griffin didn't get much right in his long career of political failure, but he is right in his view that Andrew Anglin is basically a shit-stirring, dirty little troll, who is almost definitely working as an ADL or Deep State disruption agent, out to make a mockery of legitimate, healthy Nationalism.

In a couple of recent Tweets, Griffin attacked the editor of the Daily Stormer, calling him a "woman-hating, race-mixing 'Nazi' provocateur," while also calling attention to Anglin's own pedophiliac behaviour in the Philippines. 

Better still he literally called for Anglin to put up against a wall and shot, along with Muslim pedophile rape gangs: 

Griffin's righteous rage was stirred by a crass Daily Stormer article written by Anglin that blamed the Muslim rape epidemic in the UK on the child victims, not the gang rapists.

I don’t care how old a bitch is, if she is sexually mature, she understands when men are sexually interested in her, and she doesn’t go to a room with them alone unless she’s down to fuck.

That’s the other thing – these are not “pedophiles.” That word has a specific clinical meaning that doesn’t just mean “man having sex with girl under the age of consent.” It means “attraction to pre-pubescent children.”

Note: The reason they started using the term "pedophile" to describe sexual interest in early-teenagers was due to homosexuals preying on pubescent boys. They needed a word to distinguish the "good homosexuals" from the "bad homosexuals," so they started calling the ones who got caught with early teenage boys "pedophiles."

So these Pakis are: Not rapists. Not pedophiles.

Sorry, white knights.

All these princesses of yours being used by these Moslem men are just run-of-the-mill stupid whores. They’re not victims that need saving.

When you play into this whole narrative that these sluts are victims, you accept that this is an issue of “predatory men,” rather than “conquering army.”

I’m not saying “never do the muh victimized children” bit – using that kind of narrative strategically can be useful sometimes. But don’t you yourself believe it. Understand that women have no allegiances as a group or as individuals. They will always side with those with the power (those who they perceive to have power, technically, but they are pretty good at figuring that one out).

As usual, Anglin's article is carefully calibrated to cause the maximum amount of damage to Nationalism by creating pointless infighting and pushing toxic memes that will serve to isolate anyone who adopts them from normies.

It is thought that one reason Anglin is attracted to sex with children is because he is a midget and real women are too big for him and his tiny cock.
Yes, women's sexuality has certain problematic elements -- so does men's -- but the idea that girls as young as 12 from broken homes and run-down housing estates have the kind of agency that allows them to make decisions about sexual relationships is clearly retarded.

This is classic Anglin, who, as Colin Liddell identified as early as 2014, is clearly some kind of poisonous shill sent to destroy the Alt-Right, which he succeeded in doing thanks to weak-minded idiots like Richard Spencer and Greg Johnson both of whom went along with Anglin's schtick in a pathetic Boomer-like attempt to "be cool" with the 4chan kids. 

As for pedophilia, it is well known that Anglin boasted of having sex with underage girls in the Philippines, referring to his "jail-bait" girlfriend. In the Philippines the age of consent is 18 and the maximum penalty for child rape is 40 years in prison.

As yet, it is not known if the Philippines has called for his extradition to face charges on this, but it would be really cool if they did.

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1 comment:

  1. up against the wall, you redneck mothers...mother who has raised her son so well


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