Wednesday 7 November 2018


The Midterms are in and the results are essentially big wins for Trump and big wins for the left-wing of the Democratic Party. Squeezed out are the lukewarm centrists and some cuckservatives.

Even CNN admits that Trump did very well:

Republicans performed strongly in the deep red states where Trump mounted a frenetic final campaign blitz and proved that despite his low approval rating he remains a potent political force among conservatives. In nearly every state with a key contested Senate or governor's race, the President had a positive approval rating over 50%, according to CNN's preliminary exit poll data.

Keeping hold of the Senate is especially important for Trump, since it will allow him and Senate Majority leader Mitch McConnell to press on with one of his major legacy-building initiatives, restocking the federal judiciary with conservatives.

Meanwhile the GOP lost the House, which saw the election of radical Lefties like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who romped home with 77% of the vote, plus the election of actual female Muslims! There are also a lot more women -- so that should really calm things down on the floor of the House: 

The House is getting its first two Muslim women and Massachusetts is getting its first black congresswoman while Arizona and Tennessee stand to elect their first woman senators in Tuesday's midterm elections. Democrats Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan won their respective races and will represent their districts in the House of Representatives. Both women ran in strongly Democratic regions.

Tlaib, a Palestinian American, will take over the seat vacated by former Rep. John Conyers. Omar will not only be among the first Muslim women elected to Congress. She is also the first Somali American to win election to national office....

Both Omar and Tlaib were endorsed by Democratic Socialists of America, the liberal wing of the Democratic Party that counts among its high-profile members another rising female star - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

So, how will this play out?

First of all, the House was never very good for Trump. All he managed to get out of it were some tax cuts that mainly benefited billionaires. But it was at least neutral in that it didn't impeach him. 

Now it will become more hostile and will seek to hamstring his administration with constant moves for impeachment. The mainstream media will of course amplify these and broadcast them 24-7. This will make cable and network news incredibly tedious and boring for everyone except for the 10 to 20% of the population that will be continually hyperventilating over what a monster Trump is.

Meanwhile, Trump will rule more by executive order. This was okay when Obama did it, because then the media was right behind him and all the hysterical people were on the Left anyway. Now, when Trump does it, there will be pandemonium at every stage. 

Essentially we're heading for a two-year shitstorm of triggering, screeching, division, hatred, and -- probably -- outbreaks of violence. Should be fun!

How this will effect the 2020 elections is anyone's guess. My guess is that it will prepare the way for a Trump landslide. 


  1. If Trump does not make good on his promise and demand 25 billion from Congress to build The Wall, I won't vote for him a second time. So he's got two years to get the job well under way....

  2. We're voting our way out of this?

    You know better than that.

    The Blue Wave is irrelevant; the Brown Wave is still coming, and Partition needs to be the watch word of the era.


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