Tuesday 6 November 2018


Italy's heroic Minister of the Interior, Matteo Salvini, has been dumped by his rapidly aging girlfriend with an attention-whoring intimate picture posted on "social media whore" site Instagram (see above).

Former model Elisa Isoardi, aged 35, ended the couple's three-year-long relationship with the image, which also included a feelzy chick-friendly quote from contemporary Italian writer and singer Gio Evan:

"It’s not what we have given each other that I will miss but what we still had to give each other." 

She also wrote:

"With immense respect for the true love that there was, thank you Matteo."

Travelling by water to avoid hitting any walls.
As a former model and hot chick, Isoardi is used to being the centre of any man's life that she is involved with. But Salvini, who is effectively leading Europe's resistance to the migrant invasion, clearly had other more important things on his mind, and may have been neglecting her slightly.

It was significant that Salvini was on his way to Ghana for a summit there to discuss curbing the influx of West African migrants when the news broke. 

This is a clear case of Isoardi overvaluing herself, as, at the age of 35, she is now hitting the wall, while Salvini, as a 45-year-old male, leading his country, can take his pick of almost any woman and probably will. 

In fact, let's be clear about this, Isoardi was probably doing Salvini a favour by effectively dumping herself. From the age of 35 the female body rapidly loses its sexuality, fertility, and feminity, whereas males retain their virility well into their 50s and sometimes 60s (Trump was 59 when he had his youngest child, Barron). 

As the graph below shows, there is a sharp decline in female fertility starting in the mid-thirties, with lower fertility especially after the age of 35. 

A woman’s fertility is based on the number of immature eggs she has in her body, which is fixed at birth and then declines with age. At birth, girls usually have about 2 million eggs, at adolescence about 400,000, at age 37 there remain about 25,000, by age 51, when women have their menopause, about 1000 immature eggs are left, but these can no longer become fertile. At every stage the quality of the eggs decreases.

As men create sperm throughout their life, they can effectively replenish their sexual virility, so although their fertility starts to decline sometime in the their 40s, the decline is much less dramatic than that of women. 

While Salvini is doing good work keeping out the migrant hordes, Italy can only survive if it also greatly boosts its extremely low fertility rate of 1.35 births per woman (2016). Salvini already has two kids with ex-wife Fabrizia Ieluzzi, whom he divorced in 2010. But now, with Isoardi and her burnt out ovaries exiting the stage, the way is now open for for Italy's great leader to find a younger, more fertile partner to have more wonderful Italian children. 

1 comment:

  1. No worries. I'm on my way over to Italy right now to bone her.


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