Wednesday 31 October 2018


Is Facebook being homophobic and antifeminist
 in its hatred of back door action and dildos?
In the lasted instalment of Big Tech's heroic march to the Orwellian wasteland of NPC group think, Facebook has  banned all accounts affiliated with the Proud Boys.

For those who don't know, the Proud Boys are a multicultural, liberal group of Trump fans, who are proud of the West and its individualist freedoms, especially the freedom to stick a dildo up your ass. 

The group's leader Scotsman Gavin McInnes is renowned throughout the Dissident Right for keeping a close eye on his prostate gland by frequently sticking penis substitutes up his ass to probe it.

Proud Boy Gavin sticking a fake cock up his jacksie as usual.
To justify their act of censorship, Facebook are going with the fake narrative that the Proudboys are an extremist gang of violent Neo-Nazis, ignoring the fact that many of the group's members are non-Whites and that the only violence they engage in is defending themselves against rabid antifas.  

Blonde Aryan Neo-Nazi stormtrooper Proud Boys, according to the ever-reliable mainstream media.
The mass media which is entirely controlled by the same people who control Big Tech are happy to go along with this farce.

As reported by Business Insider:

Facebook is banning accounts and pages associated with the Proud Boys, a far-right (LOL) extremist group whose members assaulted protesters in New York City earlier in October.

On Tuesday, Twitter users began reporting that Facebook was taking down groups and accounts (both public-facing and personal) linked to members of the organisation that has been involved in instances of political violence in the US.

A Facebook spokesperson confirmed to Business Insider that the company is banning The Proud Boys and founder Gavin McInnes from both Facebook and Instagram, pointing to Facebook's rules against hate groups (WOW THEY HAVE SACRED RULES!).

The takedowns come after members of the Proud Boys attacked protesters following an event in New York on October 12. Members of the group reportedly shouted homophobic slurs as they beat and kicked protesters, and at least five Proud Boys have since been arrested.(ANTIFA DID NOTHING WRONG, LOL) Proud Boys was founded by Gavin McInnes, one of the cofounders of media organization Vice, and describes its members as "Western Chauvenists." The Southern Poverty Law Center, an extremism watchdog organisation (CORRECTION: ORWELLIAN ATTACK DOG OF THE ESTABLISHMENT), designates it as a hate group.

I censor therefore I am.
Here we go again, the usual rubbish: "violence" against "harmless" antifa who were just "innocently" trying to kick people's heads in, "hate group" because the establishment literally hates then, nebulous definitions, and oblique references to "rules," etc. 

Meanwhile actual violent antifa thug gangs keep all their social media privileges.

This is entirely a fake narrative, and since there is nothing else that could possibly explain Fakebook's heavy-handed censorship, we must conclude that they are doing this because they strongly disapprove of McInnes's dildo antics but are too scared of the gays to admit this.

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