Tuesday 9 October 2018


Nikki Haley's resignation as Israel's America's ambassador to the UN has given the rumour mill a boost. There is no clear reason why Neocon war lover Haley decided to quit, but several theories have emerged.

(1) She is a weak, feeble woman exhausted by occasionally having to hold up her hand to vote in the UN and by walking out whenever the Palestinian or Iranian delegate gets up to speak.

(2) She was the person who wrote the anonymous New York Times op-ed from someone claiming to be inside the Trump administration, criticising Trump.

(3) Connected to the above, Haley is thinking of challenging Trump to become the GOP candidate in 2020, so she needs to start distancing herself from Trump.

(4) Trump is merely shuffling people in his administration and has another position lined up for Haley. 

Needless to say, the last of these rumours seems the most probable.

It is no secret that Trump is getting ready to fire Jeff Sessions as Attorney General, and will probably do this after the midterms in November. One theory is that Trump wants Lindsey Graham 2.0 (the new "chad version" revealed at the Kavanaugh hearings) to replace Sessions. This would mean Graham stepping down as Senator for South Carolina, opening up a Senate slot for Haley, who used to be governor of the state.

As to who would take over as UN Ambassador, that remains an open question, although some rumours are that Trump's favourite daughter Ivanka is in with a shot, as she has the main qualification needed by a US Ambassador to the United Nations, namely a massive commitment to the interests of Israel. Although Haley was seen as extremely pro-Israel, you can't beat someone like Ivanka who has married Jewish and converted to Judaism. 

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