Tuesday 2 October 2018


CAQ party leader Legault
An increasing number of Canadians are now sick to the teeth with Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party. 

In the latest setback for the Liberals, they have now lost control of Quebec's provincial assembly, after the Quebec General Election saw them trounced by the Coalition Avenir Québec (CAQ). This is a relatively new party that effectively follows a "soft populist" line and wants to reduce immigration and strengthen assimilation. 

The CAQ, which had previously been only the number three party, gained a massive 53 seats in the 125-seat assembly to win a total of 73 seats and a majority. 

The previous ruling party, the Liberals, dropped from 68 seats to 32, while the separatist Parti Québécois dropped from 28 seats to 9.

With a relatively safe majority of ten seats, the CAQ should now be able to implement its election promises. These include a plan to cut the number of immigrants by 20% to 40,000 annually, a policy of austerity to improve public finances, the decentralization of healthcare and education, and government support for the private sector.

The Party believes in a soft form of identitarianism, with an emphasis on Quebec's French language and culture. It also supports the idea of a secular state and equality between men and women, which is just a means of justifying anti-Islamism. 

Last year the party supported Bill 62, a law that was essentially aimed at countering growing Islamic influence and which banned people whose faces are covered from "delivering or receiving a public service."

Although the CAQ is far from ideal, in a country as deeply pozzed as Canada, a victory like this represents a massive amount of progress towards resisting the destructive processes of globalisation, mass immigration, and multiculturalism.

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