Tuesday 30 October 2018


Multiculturalism is actually anti-culturalism. We saw this a couple of years ago in Germany, where the happy celebration of New Year in the once-German city of Cologne was turned into a rape-fest by mainly Muslim migrants. Needless to say the New Year celebrations the next year were much muted.

Now something similar seems to be on the cards in London, where the Metropolitan police is now warning that ethnic and multiracial moped gangs, which routinely snatch bags and commit robberies, are planning to use the Halloween celebrations as cover for a surge of crimes.

As reported by the multicultural-supporting Evening Standard:

Police in London have issued a warning about “frightening and intimidating” scooter mobs who are planning dangerous Halloween ride-outs.

The Met said in the last few years they have witnesses large numbers of motorcyclists gathering in several locations in London for ride-outs.

The Met, as usual, deceptively mischaracterises the threat, focusing mainly on road safety issues. 

Their intention, police said, is to cause disruption and anti-social behaviour, like driving recklessly and on the wrong side of the road.

Police said the areas where this happens, that it is aware of, include Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex, Hertford and Thames Valley.

Superintendent Louise Puddefoot from Met Operations said: “These groups do not have any consideration for other road users, and put themselves and members of the public at risk by driving recklessly in large numbers. They frighten and intimidate Londoners and tourists, and have caused considerable damage to local businesses.

Road saferty? Yeh, it would be a realllllll pity if some of these scooter scum got crushed beneath the wheels of a London double decker.

Scooter gang in action and later unmasked.
These gangs steel an enormous amount of loot, with around 16,000 robberies by moped gangs in London alone. 

Stolen mobile phones are sold to other criminal gangs that then access users' information to carry out identity fraud and other crimes. The phones are then sold on to places like Nigeria where they are sold on the open market.

Basically, in the run-up to Halloween, expect these scooter gangs, wearing Halloween masks or helmets, to use the low level chaos of the Halloween festivities to run amok, stealing handbags, cellphones, and wallets, and stabbing people.

Not so different from an ordinary day in London, then.

There might even be some acid attacks, which, looking on the bright side, will save some of the people affected money on a Halloween costume next year. 

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