Thursday 11 October 2018


Chelsea Football Club wants to stop banning players accused of so-called "racist" chants and instead literally send them to a death camp.

Chelsea, owned by Russian Jewish billionaire Roman Abramovich, has long been supported by nationalistic fans who like to bantz the fans of rival teams with chants that are now deemed "racist." 

In particular, the club has a keen rivalry with fellow London team Tottenham Hotspur, which is generally supported by London's shrinking Jewish population. In the past this has led Chelsea fans to make anti-Semitic chants, joking about the Holocaust, and even making hissing "gas" noises to taunt their rivals.

For several years, the club has been trying to stamp out such "politically incorrect" behaviour by banning supporters who engage in it, but now it has had a change of heart after Jewish scholar Rabbi Barry Marcus told them "banning doesn’t work." Now, instead of telling fans they can't pay between £50 and £100 for a match ticket, the club intends to send them on trips to the famous Nazi "Death Camp" of Auschwitz in Poland. 

During the latter stages of WWII, large numbers of Jews perished  there, either through deliberate action by the German authorities or due to the chaos of the period. 

Club Chairman Bruce Buck explained the club's decision:

"If you just ban people, you will never change their behaviour. This policy gives them the chance to realise what they have done, to make them want to behave better. In the past, we would take them from the crowd and ban them, for up to three years. Now we say 'you did something wrong. You have the option."

The scheme is based on advice from the World Jewish Congress and the Holocaust Education Trust, and according to Buck the club has already tried it:

"The trips to Auschwitz were really important and effective and we will consider more as well as other things that will affect people... It took us five years to find out that banning doesn’t work. A year ago, Roman sat down with senior people at the club and had a conversation. He had noticed an increase in anti-Semitism around the world and directed us to see what we could do implement a long-term project to combat it."

What Rabbi Barry Marcus, Chairman Bruce Buck, and owner Roman Abramovich fail to understand is that very few of the Chelsea fans making so-called "racist" or "anti-Semic" chants are actually racist or anti-Semitic in any way. If they were would they be supporting a club that has several prominent Black or non-White players, and which is owned by a Jew. I think not. Instead, for British football fans it's all about the bantz. 

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