Sunday 9 September 2018


With allegations of vote rigging and clear evidence of migrant voters skewing the result towards the dying Left, the result of the Swedish election is now in. 

Although the main anti-immigrant party, the Swedish Democrats (SD), failed to match the optimistic opinion polls that placed them as the biggest party (which is itself highly suspicious!), the Party nevertheless managed to greatly increase its share of the vote from 12.9% in 2014 to 17.6%. 

But although the SD was not able to match its rapidly rising expectations, the Party is now in a "kingmaker" position, because both the Left grouping and the Center grouping failed to get enough votes to form a majority:

This means that the country is now ungovernable without the cooperation of the Swedish Democrats, unless ALL the other parties band together to form an anti-SD "Super Coalition."

If that happened BTW it would be great for the SD, as not only would the Super Coalition be a disharmonious train wreck, but the SD would be elevated to the position of Official Opposition, something that would greatly boost their growing popularity.

The only other options besides an anti-SD "Super Coalition" are doing a deal with the SD and accepting their input on immigration, or else fighting a new election.

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