Tuesday 4 September 2018


Nike the sports goods company, which is still famous for paying Michael Jordan more in endorsements than its entire sweatshop production staff in Indonesia, has decided that the only White people it wants buying its goods are unpatriotic cucks who pathetically identify with Black athletes.

This is clear from its latest advertising campaign, which focuses on failed NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick, who managed to gain some notoriety in his short, unsuccessful career by refusing to stand for the national anthem.

For years now, Nike's image and advertising has been dominated by Afrocentrism, even though most of their product is bought by White men and there are still plenty of White athletes -- even in America despite its sporting caste system. 

Now the company is trying to see how far it can push its contempt for the average White customer with its  Kaepernick campaign, which shows the Afro-ed footballer, who hasn't played in the NFL for over two years, in a black-and-white closeup with the words: 

“Believe in something. Even it if it means sacrificing everything. Just do it.”

The implication here is that Kaepernick is a real hero because he sacrificed everything by his anti-patriotic behaviour, even though this....

After getting some extremely bad advice from advertising consultants, the company has apparently bought into all the bullshit SJW and #BlackLivesMatter narratives about everything in America being "racist" against Black men. This despite a sports industry that pushes them forward at every opportunity and pays many of them tens of millions of dollars a year. 

“We believe Colin is one of the most inspirational athletes of this generation, who has leveraged the power of sport to help move the world forward,” Gino Fisanotti, the company's Vice President of Brand in North America told ESPN. “We wanted to energize its meaning and introduce ‘Just Do It’ to a new generation of athletes.” 

What a f**king vacuous slogan!

But the fact remains that Kaepernick's anti-patriotic notoriety, on which this whole campaign is hinged, is deeply unpopular. Even with White cuck sportsball fans. 

This campaign by Nike could prove to be the final straw that breaks the camel's back of endless cuckery by the company's largely White customer base. 

Sub-racist campaigns like this may be great for grabbing the headlines and stoking controversy, but they ultimately destroy the factors they rely on by gradually raising racial conscience above the subconscious level and polarising identity. If that happens here, as it seems to be happening, Nike is done for. 

If you own stock, dump it now before it is too late. 

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