Tuesday 18 September 2018


Every group and community needs its heroes and role models, and the gay community thought that it had found a perfect pair in the lovable characters of Bert and Ernie, the two male puppets who seemed to "cohabit" (and more) on the popular children's TV program "Sesame Street."

Now the gay community has been dealt a crushing blow after the puppet's creator Frank Oz declared that Bert and Ernie were in fact straight all along. 

The revelation came in a tweet by Oz responding to a comment by Sesame Street writer Mark Saltzman that he always thought they were gay. In his Tweet, however, Oz, the main creative mind behind Sesame Street, took even this away from the gays.

Immediately the more hysterical members of the "gay community" flew into a rage, and started accusing Oz of being a homophobe who hated all gays and was "disgusted" by wholesome gay activities such as "cottaging," "fisting," taking poppers, and "bugchasing."

Really, if there's one thing we should all blame social media for is the absurd degree to which it empowers hysteria above all else. 

But why would some gays be so sore about losing Bert and Ernie from among their pantheon of heroes? 

It wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that they are CHILDREN's TV characters, and that there is a clear link between people being gay and being abused as children? No, it couldn't possibly be as simple as that. 

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