Wednesday 19 September 2018


Someone of whom I have zero-fuck awareness getting an award for something I will never watch in my life even if I live a million years
There was a time some years ago when stories in the press about the all-time low ratings of the EMMY Awards were quite popular reading. 

In fact, tens of thousands of people would click on the links to read about how abysmal the latest awards show had been, and then congratulate themselves on not having wasted 2 or 3 hours of their life watching a bunch of drug-addled sexual perverts congratulate each other on their crap TV programs and hypocritical moral signalling.

But now, following the latest EMMYs award show and the articles written about it by reluctant hacks the morning after, there has been a massive drop in people even bothering to finish reading the headlines, let alone clicking onto the articles themselves.

What the off switch is for
As for the mid-article sentences describing Scarlett's Johanson's uninspired wardrobe choices or the monosyllabic mutterings of some TV midget from "Game of Drones," forget about it. Only the proofreader read those, and in a numb trance.

Back in the day articles like this would attract a massive audience, several thousand of whom would even read the articles the whole way through, just so they could enjoy the dubious pleasure of reflecting on how crap our pozzed-out TV industry had become and how smug and insufferable showbiz people were. 

But now this kind of mixed schadenfreude/ masochistic reading is fast losing popularity, with hardly anyone bothering with these kind of articles. I mean, why would you when there could be some really exciting grass growing in a field nearby?

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