Saturday 1 September 2018


As outlined by Colin Liddell in his recent podcast ALEX JONES AND THE COMING "COLD CIVIL WAR," the increasing cultural and political polarisation of America is starting to reflect itself increasingly on the corporate level. 

According to Liddell, the efforts of companies that try to "moral signal" in order to attract SJWs and left-leaning customers is now starting to have an equal and even greater negative effect in repelling Conservative or right-leaning customers. 

The case of Dick's Sporting Goods is a case in point. The company's naive yet cynical attempt to seize the "moral high ground" in the gun debate has had the opposite effect on the company's fortunes than intended, as reported by the NRA's Institute for Legislative Action:

Dick’s Sporting Goods has admitted that Chairman and CEO Edward W. Stack’s repeated attacks on law-abiding gun owners could be having a negative effect on the company’s bottom line. According to a press release reporting the company’s second quarter earnings results, “consolidated same store sales decreased 4.0%.” The document stated, “Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those expressed or implied in any forward-looking statements include, but are not limited to… negative reactions to our policies related to the sale of firearms and accessories.”

In February, Stack announced that Dick’s would stop selling certain configurations of semiautomatic rifles in its Field & Stream stores and stop selling standard capacity magazines entirely. The CEO also declared that Dick’s and Field & Stream stores would no longer sell shotguns and rifles to young adults ages 18 to 20. In May, Dick’s announced that it would destroy the stock of semiautomatic rifles it had chosen not to sell, rather than return the firearms to the manufacturers.

Stack’s high-profile decision to target long guns revealed his penchant for virtue-signaling, but also his ignorance on policy. Shotguns and rifles are rarely used in violent crime. 

Needless to say, the fate of Dick's is having a chilling effect on other corporate "moral signallers" who have chosen to see the "moral high ground" as that defined by the Liberal and Leftist-controlled media. 

This has spurred Leftist fake news sites like CNN to offer up "alternative" explanations for Dick's sales going limp.

Perhaps fearing that Dick’s’ poor sales figures might discourage other corporations from engaging in anti-gun activism at shareholders’ expense, CNN went out of their way to erect an alternative explanation. According to “the most trusted name in news,” investors should ignore Dick’s own admissions regarding the negative consequences of their gun control positions and blame stiff competition from online retailers and the store’s delicate relationship with one of its apparel brands for the inadequate performance.

It seems if a company is really against firearms the first thing it should do is stop shooting itself in the foot in the way that Dick's has done, and just quietly go about its business.

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