Monday 10 September 2018


The U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Afghanistan has been declared an enormous success, after figures revealed that production of the country's main economic export, the opium poppy, has increased by 40 times since 2001, when the occupation began. 

The data was supplied by Russia’s Federal Drug Control Service (FKSN), which said the opium boom also had other economic spin offs, such as the arms trade, organized crime, and certain death-related occupations like the funeral business and terrorism.

The head of the FSKN, Viktor Ivanov, explained the trend at a U.N. conference on drugs in Afghanistan. 

“Afghan heroin has killed more than one million people worldwide since the ‘Operation Enduring Freedom’ began and over a trillion dollars has been invested into transnational organized crime from drug sales,” said Ivanov said.

Before the U.S. invasion, opium production was low, as it had been suppressed by the Taliban. 

Although still technically banned by the U.S. authorities and the Afghan government, Ivanov claimed that only around 1% of the total opium yield in Afghanistan was now being destroyed, with the result that the country was now able to provide more than 90% of the world’s supply of opium, which is also used to make heroin. 

Recently, ISIS, which is also active in Afghanistan, is reported to have become active in the booming opium sector, with the group estimated to be now earning over $1 billion from the drug. 

We congratulate the U.S. government on this tremendous success story -- helping a poor, impoverished, backward country to become a global exporter and major earner of foreign currency. 

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