Monday 27 August 2018


From X man to "wrecks" man
Cyclops, a relatively realistic Marvel superhero, who can emit powerful rays from his eyes, has been "cheapened" in the latest edition of "X-Men Blue" by being given the hairstyle of a ridiculous comic character, namely Richard Spencer. 

Spencer is the failed plantation owner who LARPed for several years as one of the so-called "leaders" of the Alt-Right before being exposed as a total fraud.

The tragic downgrade of the X-Men character was revealed in the preview images for X-Men Blue #34, as reported on by geek site Bleeding Cool:

When will the torment end for poor Cyclops?! The former proud leader of the X-Men has been poorly treated by Marvel in recent years. First, forced into the role of a villain despite Cyclops being objectively 100% right in the Cyclops vs. Wolverine Schism and the X-Men being 100% right about everything in Avengers vs. X-Men. Then, killed off unspectacularly as part of Marvel’s ill-fated attempt to make The Inhumans something people care about. Now, the future adult time-displaced teenage version of Cyclops starring in X-Men Blue has been revealed to sport a haircut 20 years in the future that resembles that of Neo-Nazi Richard Spencer. Previously, a Richard Spencer haircut has been reserved for jerks like Superior Octopus...

This latest blow for the Cyclops character means that it will be increasingly difficult for readers to believe in him as a credible character, in the same way that nobody in the Alt-Right can believe in Richard Spencer as anything but an pathetic joke.

1 comment:

  1. Brain Force User28 August 2018 at 07:44

    Spencer...he just keeps getting stronger.


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