Sunday 19 August 2018


Generation Identity launched a spectacular and eye-catching "flash demo" in front of the Houses of Parliament in London on Saturday (18th August) in partial support of British politician Boris Johnson, the bookies' favourite to become next Prime Minister. 

While some members of the European identitarian group wore Boris Johnson masks, others dressed in burqas, the full face covering favoured by some Muslims, and acted as post boxes -- a reference to a recent article by Johnson in which he compared burqa-clad women to "post boxes" and "bankrobbers."

Some analysts believe that Johnson dropped these Boomer memes in order to strengthen his grass roots support in the Conservative Party, prior to a forthcoming leadership challenge. But the remarks have also reopened the national debate over mass immigration, multi-culturalism, and creeping Islamification, making it an ideal topic for a small, effective flash demo, even though Big Tech is now clamping down on spreading news of such events virally through social media. 


  1. "Some analysts believe that Johnson dropped these Boomer memes in order to strengthen his grass roots support in the Conservative Party, prior to a forthcoming leadership challenge. "
    do these analysts also believe the sky is blue? Yeah, obviously boris said these things to try to go populist and topple May ....problem is that boris is scheming politician and has no plan to actually follow through on his populist is all this not glaringly obvious?

    1. Not particularly relevant. If he reneges maybe the long-dormant pommy spirit will experience a mild awakening?
      A man can hope.


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