Saturday 18 August 2018


The Chinese plan for World domination is simple: It involves cautiously increasing China's economic strength, while patiently waiting for America to collapse under its own contradictions and inherent weaknesses. Sometimes China's wise rulers even try to use the first part of this strategy to give a push to the second part, as we see in the Beijing's recent decision to internationalise its bond market.

As reported by China Daily:

Foreign investors may soon be allowed to participate in China's treasury bond futures market, as the securities regulator contemplates more steps to open the bond market and liberalize the interest rate system.

Fang Xinghai, vice-chairman of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, made the remarks on Friday during the Shanghai-based China Financial Futures Exchange's launch of two-year treasury bond futures.

America, as is well known, is a giant rock floating on a bottomless sea of debt. 

In addition to over $20 trillion in Federal debt and $3 trillion in State debt, the US also has a whopping $210 trillion in unfunded liabilities

Add all this up and divide by the US population, rounded off to the nearest hundred million (300 million), and you get a massive $776,666 per person. 

Interesting number, by the way. If you visually "deconstruct" the dollar symbol, you get an "S" and "I", which, with the rest of the number, then gives us "I776," the foundation date of the United States, and "666," the "Number of the Beast," with the "S" left over. Any guesses what the "S" represents? Possibly "Satan"?

Whatever the arcane numerology, the fact remains that this massive amount of debt is unsustainable. Collapse is certain at some point, and the only reason this has been avoided is because the US is the only Reserve Currency in the World. 

China's strategy therefore has been to build up and generate confidence in its economy, while avoiding control and dominance by foreign investors, and then, once strong enough -- as it now is -- to switch to a policy of "normalising" the Yuan on the international markets in order to provide an "alternative" Reserve Currency to the dollar. 

The only real reason for the Chinese government to do this is to basically suck away foreign and US investment and bond buyers from the giant US debt lake. The process is well underway, and the recent decision by the Chinese to "liberalise" and "internationalise" their bond market must be seen in this light.

As for the USA, there is no way out of the hole they have dug themselves into, as any government trying to dial down the debt will be crucified by the voters. The Chinese leadership, of course, have no such problems.   

In short, the American Empire is doomed, and Trump is only a blip in this inevitable process. 

1 comment:

  1. Way to go, Trad News. You now have some (((shills)))


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