Saturday 4 August 2018


The Chinese have rejected the perverse Western economic growth model, based on feminism and mass immigration, and and are starting to turn towards a eugenic policy of encouraging healthy couples to have more babies, according to a report in China Daily:

Families that have two children will enjoy preferential policies for housing loans in Xianning, Hubei province, in Central China, under one of the local government's new measures to encourage new births.

The city's health and family planning commission published a document on Wednesday announcing several measures regarding baby care and home purchases to help families with two children.

In what is believed to be a first for China, families with two children will get the same interest rate for their second home purchase as that for the first home under the new measures. Usually, families have to pay higher interest when they take out a loan to buy a second home in the city and other places in China.

The new measures also encourage employers to give longer maternity and paternity leave for two-child parents.

Needless to say these new policies are in accord with Confucianist ideals of healthy family life, so we can expect to see more measures like this in the future. 

The Chinese know that encouraging women to become childless, overworked, feminist hags, and then supplementing the resulting fall-off in population with Third World migrants attracted North by "gibs" and "bobs and vagene" is not a long-term strategy for success, as it creates a divided society with a "spoils system" political culture and plummeting IQs. 

This is exactly the same system that America and Europe have been operating under for decades. The Chinese know they have to reject such a sick and pointless system in order to overtake America as the World's leading power. This new law in Hubei province shows that they are on the right road. 

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