Monday 16 July 2018


A story that was a non-story when it first came out many months ago, continued to be a non-story at the recent summit meeting of Presidents Trump and Putin in Helsinki. 

Although there were plenty of interesting real stories to report on -- peace moves, stopping nuclear proliferation, joint humanitarian efforts in Syria, the "bromance." etc. -- the Fake News media continued to drone on and on about the same old non-story from months back that no one believes in.

Strangely, the fact that no-one believes in the non-story even became part of the non-story, with the media working hard to pretend that a story about people not believing in a non-story was actually a story, when in fact it was only a non-story about a non-story

After both Trump and Putin said the non-story was a non-story, the mainstream media set to work trying to spin that into a story, saying that the two presidents were in fact "colluding" in not making the non-story into a story, which it wasn't anyway and never will be. 

The media also expressed fake surprise that Trump refused to believe the FBI and other Deep State intelligence agencies that have an obvious vested interest in keeping all non-stories alive as long as possible.

Famous US politicians who are heavily invested in the non-story also had their say, pretending that the non-story was the most important thing in the world.

Senior Republican Senator John McCain said that Trump's refusal to believe in the non-story was a "disgraceful performance" by a US president. He also said that Trump's refusal to go along with the constant empty lies of the non-story was giving into tyranny. 

What a great non-story!

"No prior president has ever abased himself more abjectly before a tyrant," McCain said in a statement released from the hospital bed where he is painfully dying from brain cancer caused by his strenuous efforts to believe in the non-story

Senate Democratic leader Chuck Schumer showed his usual chutzpah as he pretended that the non-story was real.

"For the president of the United States to side with President Putin against American law enforcement, American defense officials, and American intelligence agencies is thoughtless, dangerous, and weak. The president is putting himself over our country," he tweeted from a make-believe universe where the non-story is real.

All-in-all one wonders why more and more people nowadays are switching off the mainstream news and getting their information from reliable independent sites on the internet like this one. Possibly all those people are simply colluding with Russia as we undoubtedly are.

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